Dying to Elect Trump - Johnny Wactor

Dying to Elect Trump

Democrat soft-on-crime policies are getting people killed, and may well get Donald Trump elected. Talk about a backfire. But while citizens are sick of the carnage and tossing his candidates to the curb, Democrat mega-donor George Soros, with the eager backing of a majority of elected Democrats, continues to pour millions of dollars into electing District and State Attorneys who refuse to prosecute violent felons

The latest victim of the left’s criminal insanity was General Hospital actor Johnny Wactor, who was killed by gunman trying to steal the catalytic converter from Wactor’s car.

Johnny Wactor

Johnny Wactor

Wactor’s tragic death comes on the heels of numerous incidents of high-profile individuals being victimized by criminals on the street. A member of congress was carjacked in broad daylight in Philadephia. As was another in DC. Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass had her house broken into. California U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer was assaulted and robbed on the street. And then there was the Mayor of San Jose, Democrat Matt Mahan, whose security details was assaulted during the filming of a news clip…

The thing all these incidents have in common, is they might just be what elects Donald Trump. Security voters, particularly the otherwise Trump-averse educated female vote, are catching up to the fact that Democrats continue to not simply turn a blind eye to these assaults, but remain dedicated to coddling and protecting the violent repeat offenders carrying them out. Whether that’s enough to get those voters past their aversion to mean tweets and January 6th remains to be seen. But events like the death of Johnny Wactor – which will get covered on media outlets that generally avoid showing viewers any content harmful to the left’s agenda – open the door. 

Sadly, Johnny Wactor is not likely to be the last victim of the left’s criminal intransigence, but evidence suggests the tide is turning and voters will start making criminal-coddling leftist pols pay a price for the carnage they have unleashed. Will that include electing Donald Trump? We’ll see.

Note: the opinions expressed herein are those of Sam Stone only and not his co-host Chuck Warren or Breaking Battlegrounds’ staff.

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