Hosted by Sam Stone & Chuck Warren

Breaking Battlegrounds Podcast

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Hosted by Sam Stone & Chuck Warren

Join Chuck and Sam for a deep dive into this week’s pivotal topics: Trump’s attempted assassination and his VP pick. First up, Ryan James Girdusky, author, podcast host, and political consultant known for his incisive commentary on national populism, discusses the true nature of JD Vance on a personal level. Following Ryan, Susan Crabtree, political correspondent for RealClearPolitics, joins us to uncover what went wrong with the Secret Service during the attempted assassination of President Donald Trump, amidst mounting pressure for Kimberly Cheatle to resign. Stay tuned for Kiley’s Corner as she shares the story of Steven Craig Johnson, an inmate who escaped prison 30 years ago and was captured on Tuesday. As always, we end the show on a positive note with the Sunshine Moment.

0:00 / 0:00
Vice President JD Vance and What Went Wrong

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Featured Guests

Sen Marco Rubio

Senator Marco Rubio on National Security

He is the senior United States senator from Florida, a seat he has held since 2011. Member of the Republican Party and Speaker of the Florida House.

Rand Paul

Senator Rand Paul Challenging Fauci on COVID

Rand Paul is an American politician serving as the junior US senator from Kentucky since 2011. Paul was a candidate for the Republican nomination in the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

Mike Pompeo

Mike Pompeo on Protecting America on the World Stage

Michael R. Pompeo is an American politician who served in the administration of Donald Trump as director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) from 2017 to 2018.

Carla Sands

Global Insights with Ambassador Carla Sands

Carla Sands is an American businesswoman who is chair and CEO of Vintage Capital Group. During the Trump administration, she was U.S. ambassador to Denmark.

What People Say

"Chuck and Sam are unique in the talk radio and media landscape in that they want to listen and hear from their guests. They talk about issues that affect America today and 10 years from now. Their audience is well served by their thoughtfulness, curiosity and devotion to America." - Chris Buskirk, editor and publisher of the journal American Greatness and author of America and the Art of the Possible: Restoring National Vitality in an Age of Decay
Chris Buskirk
American Greatness
Very Informative
Great podcast. Very informative about real world, current issues.

Breaking Battlegrounds" is a great place to explore serious issues seriously. I always enjoy the great questions and listeners surely appreciate the in depth and civil discussion. Would that all talk radio were more like "Breaking Battlegrounds
Hi there, just listened to your episode with Pardis Mahdavi. Thanks for lending your platform to speak about this very important women-led movement in Iran
Chuck and Sam ask the tough questions that the corporate media won’t. I’m a huge fan of their show
Larry Elder
Direct Quote
Let's do this again sometime you guys are great.
You guys are good I mean really good.

Meet Your Hosts

Sam Stone is a state and local policy expert, with almost two decades of experience in policy development and campaign management. He currently serves as chief policy advisor to U.S. Senate Candidate Kari Lake and is the Managing Partner of Cairn Consulting.

Sam has previously worked as Chief of Staff to Phoenix City Councilman Sal DiCiccio, Executive Director of the Civics Education Initiative at the Joe Foss Institute, and has worked on dozens of campaigns at the state and federal level.

Chuck Warren is the Managing Director of September Group, LLC, a public affairs, crisis communication and initiative qualification company. He is also a partner in Monolith Registry, LLC, the USA-based top-level registry for .VOTE and .VOTO domain and Campaign Safe, LLC.

Chuck’s clients have included major law firms, municipalities, and companies as diverse as; Verisign; Blue Cross Blue Shield; Arches Health Plan, Inc.; Delta Airlines; Dorado Systems; Comcast; Gold Cross Ambulance; Ragnar Relay; Eureka Casino Resort; Casablanca Resort Casino; Republican Governors Association;; Republican National Committee; National Republican Senatorial Committee; Freedom Works; Lewis, Young, Robertson & Burningham, Inc.; and Cancer Treatment Centers of America (CTCA).

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