Trump Assassination Attempt

Trump Assassination Attempt – People to Consider in your Heartfelt Prayers

Unless you live under a rock, there was an attempt on former President Donald Trump’s life yesterday. While I will get more into the vile and violent rhetoric that would confuse and spark the evil impulses of a young person and the continual press complicity, today I want us to consider the following Americans affected by yesterday’s assassination attempt.

This is not an exhaustive list, but it is a start.

There were many. Like the parlor game “Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon,” there are very few degrees of separation between those at the Butler, Pennsylvania rally yesterday and other Americans.

I ask, no beg, that you will consider keeping the following in your heartfelt prayers and turning those prayers into action. Either by toning down the brutish rhetoric or supporting those who are affected by yesterday’s assassination event.

Who are these who should be in our prayers?

  • Killed and Wounded Rally Attendees. Corey Comperatore, a former fire chief from the area and the Trump rally attendee who was killed, and the two others who were critically injured, according to the Secret Service. There is a GoFundMe for these fellow Americans; donate to it, even if you just have $1 to spare.

  • Children. Some have forgotten there were children at this rally yesterday. Young, innocent children. Pray that they will feel peace and calm and that they are surrounded by wise and communicative adults who allow them to express their feelings. They will need to heal, and that takes divine intervention and family, friends. This goes for children who saw this mayhem on television or social media.

  • Trump Rally Goers. There will be many adults affected by yesterday’s evil. According to reports, some went and hid under the bleachers. Pray that peace enters their hearts. Pray they are able to walk forward in life without fear. Pray they have hope and faith to move forward with courage.

  • Secret Service. Much will be written, committee hearings held, etc., that will go over apparent mistakes by the Secret Service. All legitimate. I do not understand how that rooftop was not closed down, but a group of Secret Service agents immediately rushed to President Trump and surrounded him. No thoughts for their lives. They did their jobs. They ran towards, not away.

  • Secret Service and First Responder Families. While those agents rushed to surround President Trump and others went towards the line of fire, they had families and significant others at home. Their night sucked. Pray they will feel peace and comfort. While they aren’t officially serving, they are still serving their country. They support the men and women who are ready to give their lives for another. This extends beyond the Secret Service to all first responders. So, pray for them. Thank them when you see them. There is a thin line between monsters who would endanger us all and these men and women who go out every day.

  • Friends and Colleagues. I had several friends and business colleagues reach out yesterday telling me, “I’m scared.” Those two words were either expressed or kept silent in the hearts of many last night. They need to know that things will be okay. Let them talk; you listen. It’s okay to give them a hug. If you are a believer, it’s okay to ask to pray with them. Give them hope.

  • Love Your Enemies. “But I say to you who hear: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, and pray for those who spitefully use you.” – Luke 6:27-28, New King James Version (NKJV). No additional commentary is needed.

  • Trump and his Family. Pray for them. They will put on a brave front, but come on, who among us would not be scared and angry about someone taking a shot at our dad or grandfather?

  • Thomas Matthews Crooks’ Family. We do not know all the particulars—Thomas’ mental struggles or what pushed him to undertake this heinous and evil act—but he had family and those who loved him. I know this is a hard pill to swallow, but there are innocent people in Thomas’ circle who deserve our prayers and should not be targets of retribution. They are hurting today. They are bewildered. They are fearful.

Mother Teresa said, “Prayer without action is no prayer at all. You have to do your work as if everything depends on you. Then leave the rest to God.”

Dear reader, if you are still reading, you are a big part of the puzzle in bringing comfort and optimism to those around you. Your earnest prayers are heard. If you stay still, you will find the inspiration to help us begin our nation’s healing process. Sincere prayers and the requisite, required listening in a moment of stillness will give all of us answers on how to proceed forward with humility, courage, and brotherly love.

May God bless you. May God bless the USA. A lot of American children and the world are watching.

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