Hollywood’s Next Blockbuster -“A diabolical, action-thriller series with never-ending plot twists”

Dear Hollywood,

I have a script for you. It’s a cross between 24, JFK, and All the President’s Men. People will love it!…An aging, dementia-ridden U.S. President, facing an uphill re-election fight, flies to Nevada to campaign in front of people who are already voting for him. He seems fine, but the next thing you know, he gets an apparent case of Covid, his health collapses, the convention is thrown open, and a popular new candidate bypasses the incompetent and roundly disliked VP setting off a chain of events that shocks the world… 

EPISODE 1: We begin to learn the backstory in flashbacks from the convention floor. The antagonist is a former Republican President. Beloved by Nazis, Fascists, and people who hate dogs and small children. Capitalist, white, old, male, likes beautiful women – everything good people are required to hate. 

We learn that the current President was shoved aside by various elected Democrats and high-ranking members of the FBI, CIA, NSA, WEF, EU, and State Department – the proverbial White Rainbow Knights of the Deep State. The President had dementia and was going to lose to a candidate the insiders couldn’t control. We also learn that the Rainbow Knights behind this plot, being such good and honorable people, would never consider pushing aside the current President if they hadn’t tried so hard and failed to get rid of the other guy first. We show how, in an act of entirely not self-serving desperation, the Rainbow Knights conspired with a saintly old-woman who ran against this evil Fascist Capitalist the first time he ran, to frame him for conspiring with Russia and steal the election. But because there are so many deplorable voters in this country, they failed. 

EPISODE 2: After the Fascist Capitalist takes office, the Rainbow Knights are forced to attempt a coup, and try to impeach him repeatedly, using the same frame up from the election. Everyone knows the accusations are false, but these are desperate times, and we can show how the Rainbow Knights were just good people doing the right thing. But despite all that, when it looks like the Fascist Capitalist, everything-we-hate-guy is gonna shrug off the fabricated charges and win re-election, the Rainbow Knights conspire with China to create and *mistakenly unleash* a virus, lockdown the world, and put the blame on the Fascist Capitalist. 

EPISODE 3: Yet again our heroes are foiled, this time by a bunch of evil, anti-sciencers who looked at the data for themselves, refused to take the word of the Rainbow Knights, and reopened their states. Then disaster strikes as the Rainbow Knights are forced to scramble to bury revelations from a laptop owned by the coke and hooker addicted pedophile son of the Rainbow Knight’s chosen champion. And, finally, they succeed. The Rainbow Knights’s valiant and honorable efforts to subvert government agencies and media outlets alike keep the Fascist Capitalist from being re-elected.

EPISODE 4: The Fascist Capitalist makes a giant comeback. Once again, the Rainbow Knights are tasked to stop him at any cost. They try to bury him under legal charges, even changing the law so they can charge him. They get a crazy woman who has accused more than half a dozen men, most of whom – like the Fascist Capitalist – she’s never met, of rape. For the greater good. And they stack the jury with people who hate him, and those people hit the Fascist Capitalist with an absurd monetary judgement, because they hate him, as they should. But the Rainbow Knights ultimate plan is foiled, because even the stacked jury won’t convict the Fascist Capitalist of raping a woman he never met. 

EPISODE 5: The Rainbow Knights select a new judge from among their own ranks, and charge the Fascist Capitalist with getting a loan and paying it off on time. Fortunately, the good people of the jury hate him – as they should – and convict him. But, lo and behold, that doesn’t work, and the Fascist Capitalist just gets MORE popular. And then the unthinkable happens. The Rainbow Knight’s champion, the current President, spends the Presidential debate verbally wandering in a dementia-induced stupor. That causes Rainbow Knights panic and decide to assassinate the Fascist Capitalist. 

EPISODE 5: To set the backstory for this part of the show, we can do flashback episodes, to show that while the actions being taken by the Rainbow Knights are extreme, they aren’t without precedent.) In the first one, we show how a past President was going to expose the Rainbow Knight’s mentors for causing chaos around the globe and starting a foreign war in a country with zero geopolitical significance to the United States. How the Rainbow Knights killed him while he was riding in his limo, recruited a patsy to blame for the assassination, and in-turn killed the patsy so he couldn’t talk. And despite extensive evidence that the Rainbow Knights predecessors had taken this drastic action, they never face any consequences for it. Because ensuring the power of the Rainbow Knights and the continuation of foreign wars with no strategic significance to the United States is essential to being a good person. 

EPISODE 6: In the second flashback episode, we show how the early generation Rainbow Knight even had to kill that President’s brother, because he was running for President and was going to expose the Rainbow Knights predecessors also. And we show how there were no repercussions for that killing, either, and no real investigation, because the good people knew that it was the right thing to do. 

Cut back to the present, and we watch as the Rainbow Knights set up another patsy, and give him access to supposedly secure areas around the stage the Fascist Capitalist will be speaking. And then the big moment comes…

EPISODE 7: The Fascist Capitalist moves his head just as the shots intended to kill him fly past, saving his life. We flash to the patsy being killed, and the Rainbow Warriors leading the investigation into themselves, so we know it won’t go anywhere, and can breathe a giant sigh of relief – as good people should – that the plot won’t be exposed. But we can play off viewers conflict and emotional because the plot failed in the first place. 

EPISODE 8: Rainbow Knights pick their new champion: going through electronic files and phone intercepts to find just the right candidate – one with lots of charisma, and even more dirt. Episode flashes back on how one of the leading Rainbow Knights of the past kept blackmail files on just about every American citizen of significance, and used them for the undiluted good of the good people. We show how much better and more comprehensive these files are now that there are way more Rainbow Warriors, and they have total access to every call, text, and email sent by every single American citizen. And, finally, a new champion is anointed…

[Balloons and confetti drop from the ceiling. New champion strides to the podium. Season 1 ends]

(So, Mr. Hollywood Producer, what do you think, is this too far-fetched? It’s like Game of Thrones on steroids, but I totally think we can sell this. Let’s do lunch)

Note: the opinions expressed herein are those of Sam Stone only and not his co-host Chuck Warren or Breaking Battlegrounds’ staff.

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