A Hamburger Can Go a Long Way

A Hamburger Can Go a Long Way

Due to the radio show and my other businesses, staying updated on the news is important. Hence, besides various newspaper and magazine subscriptions, social media plays a role. X (formerly Twitter) plays a role as a news aggregator.

If you thought 2020 and 2022 were bad, as Bachman–Turner Overdrive sang, “you ain’t seen nothing yet.”

Last night while I was flying home, I just shut down my news consumption for the evening. I found my surroundings getting darker. The news feeds were vile, filled with nonsensical comments, and a press hell-bent on promoting one person and covering up their voluminous past reporting errors just wore on me. I am an optimistic person, full of faith, but last night I caught myself mumbling to myself, and the gentleman next to me just turned and smiled when I let out an audible sigh.

He replied, “It’s just too much now, isn’t it?”

I nodded in agreement.

I then pulled up some devotional reading, wrote briefly in my journal, and closed by writing a note to a friend going through a difficult time.

By the time the wheels hit the ground, my spirit and attitude had vastly improved, if not been at peace.

That moment and the title of today’s opinion piece reminded me of a story retold on a podcast about a dutiful father who consulted friends regarding child-rearing: “A hamburger can go a long way.”

His point was that we get overwhelmed with life and, as a result, let it affect us and cause us to neglect those closest to us. So he recommended to his friends that grabbing one of his kids and just going out for a hamburger goes a million miles in building a bond and focusing on what really matters. The time, though maybe brief, goes a long way in strengthening relationships that matter.

This does not mean that elections and being an informed citizen are not important; it means we all need to step back often and focus on things that truly make life a joy. Now more than ever, because this election cycle is going to be a cesspool of hate and disillusionment, all of us need to make time daily to focus on activities that brighten our souls and allow us to give hope to our loved ones.

Life is busy, bewildering, and polarizing. The world is tumultuous. So grab your family and those you love, get in a car or use public transportation, and grab a hamburger this week. Rekindle and build deeper bonds. This will give them hope. This will bring you joy.

Remember, over the coming months, that “a hamburger can go a long way.”

Note: the opinions expressed herein are those of Chuck Warren only and not his co-host Sam Stone or Breaking Battlegrounds’ staff.

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