ABC – Give Kamala Harris the Debate Time

While streaming the movie ‘Land of the Bad’ (a 4-star review by Chuck), it had the common scene where the antagonist was beating up our protagonist while he was being held down by his henchmen—sorry, henchpersons.

And if you are a normal, red-blooded American, during scenes like this, you’d think, ‘Oh yeah, I’d like to see him try that mano a mano; if you are so tough, then make it a fair fight.’

Right now, Kamala Harris is speaking with bravado because her press hench“persons” are covering for her by holding down her opponent, Donald Trump. They are also ganging up on J.D. Vance and are not even hiding it—they are enjoying it. They refuse to scrutinize her the same way. They haven’t demanded that she answer questions. It’s like a British coronation.

With these hench“persons” behind her and a teleprompter in front, she speaks with arrogance and toughness—a remarkable performance from someone who has never won a presidential primary. But hey, we can all be tough when we outnumber our opponent.

This brings me to the Trump campaign’s statement that he was not going to attend the debate with Joe Biden that had previously been scheduled with Joe Biden. Progressive social media trolls are, of course, trying to spin this in her favor, like they did with her flip-flops on fracking, defund the police, green energy, and other far-left stances.

I’m not here to defend or prosecute the debate decision. Rather, I have a better idea. Let us call it a public service provided by ABC News, which was going to host the September debate.

ABC News, give her the 90 minutes under the following structure:

  1. No Teleprompter: She must speak for 30 minutes off the cuff.

  2. Audience Questions: Reporters were complicit in the Joe Biden mental decline cover-up—Kamala Harris too. They shouldn’t get to ask questions. Questions are asked by the omni-partisan audience for 60 minutes. This includes Republicans, Democrats, Independents, Greens, etc. No commercial breaks. No pundits. Only normal American taxpayers get to ask questions about any issue that they care about. No pre-screening.

Chuck Warren

Again, no corporate media reporters. They have all shown their bias and are complicit in a cover-up.

If Vice President Harris is so tough, then she should accept these ground rules. Let the voters, the American people, see how intelligent and strong she is as she discusses the cloud, school buses, the Green New Deal, hostage negotiations, and covering up Joe Biden’s mental decline.

If ABC News is going to give her the time, then these should be the ground rules.

Note: the opinions expressed herein are those of Chuck Warren only and not his co-host Sam Stone or Breaking Battlegrounds’ staff.

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