Arizona Republicans for Harris?

Arizona Republicans for Harris?

In recent days, Vice President Kamala Harris has been touting an expanding list of Arizona Republicans who support her. AZCentral released those names on Sunday, you can read them here.

But here’s the kicker: Shouldn’t one have to be a registered Republican to be genuinely considered an Arizona “Republican” supporting Harris? It seems only fair to expect that those labeled as Republicans supporting Harris are, in fact, registered Republicans.

A dive into the Arizona “Republicans for Harris” list reveals that nearly half of those on the list are not registered Republicans. At least 11 out of the 21 names we know are registered as Independents or PND (Party Not Determined).

It doesn’t stop there; they didn’t even bother to vote in the presidential primary. If you were truly a Republican and cared about your party, you vote in primary elections. While Kamala Harris supporters may choose to identify however they like, it’s simply not factual that they are Republicans.

We’re not going to dox these individuals (neither should you), but before buying into Harris’ so-called bipartisan appeal, take a closer look at your state’s list. Good grief, the Arizona media who are pimping these headline-grabbing press releases should at least do a little due diligence and research to confirm if these individuals are actually Republicans.

This is another classic case of newsrooms imitating parrots to prop up their political choice. Stay sharp, folks, and question the headlines.

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