Biggest (Ad) Liar – Trump v. Harris, Part 1

One of the primary attacks on Donald Trump is that he lies a lot – a narrative the Leftstream Media echoes continuously. But whose ads lie more? Donald Trump or Kamala Harris? Over the next few weeks, I will do a breakdown of all the ads out so far in the Trump v Harris contest. Here are the first two:

Harris: “Focused”


Claims: Corporations are gouging families, Trump gave tax cuts to big corporations

Fact Check – Price Gouging: Grocery stores (Harris’ primary target) have some of the lowest profit margins of any industry, and there is zero evidence that other corporations are engaging in price gouging. 

Verdict: Lie

Fact Check – Corporate Tax Cuts: The “Trump Tax Cut” did include tax reductions for both businesses and individuals. Large corporations were not given special treatment as Harris suggests, but did benefit.

Verdict: Deceptive

Trump: “She is the Vice President”

Claims: Harris Owns Biden Economic Failures, Failed Border Czar, Afghanistan Withdrawal was Harris’ Fault, Harris is responsible for deaths of 6 Israeli hostages in Gaza.

Fact Check – Responsible for Biden Economy: Ad cites Harris’ deciding vote for Biden-Pelosi-Schumer last covid bill, which has been pointed to by economists and the Federal Reserve as one of the primary drivers of inflation. It should be noted, however, that Harris was one of many Democrats pushing the bill, and was not a primary author.

Verdict: Mostly True

Fact Check – Failed Border Czar: Claims Harris is responsible for Biden’s failed border policy, open-borders, and criminals entering the U.S. as a result. Despite media and the Harris campaign trying to re-write history, Harris owns this one.

Verdict: True

Fact Check – Failed Border Czar: Claims Harris is responsible for Biden’s failed border policy, open-borders, and criminals entering the U.S. as a result. Despite media and the Harris campaign trying to re-write history, Harris owns this one.

Verdict: True

Fact Check – Israeli Hostage Deaths are Harris’ Fault: Harris has been singing a different tune on many issues, including Israel, since being elevated to the nominee. On the other hand, her long history of antipathy to Israel is well documented. It is somewhat of a stretch to blame Harris for specific hostage deaths – there was never much likelihood of getting them back from Hamas alive in the first place. However, the Biden/Harris administration has been clearly more sympathetic to Hamas than Israel, while trying to play both sides of the conflict for domestic political gain, and many experts note that the lack of strength displayed by Biden/Harris has likely lengthened the conflict, empowered Hamas, and is resulting in additional casualties.

Verdict: Mostly True

Summary: Trump’s ads, like his speeches, tend to be too rambling and try to do too much in the time he has, but – overall – the substance of this Trump ad is honest. Where it falls short of TOTAL honesty is in accruing to Harris too much credit for her role in the Biden administration and on influencing legislation, but the exaggerations are minor. Harris’s ad, on the other hand, makes two claims, neither of which is true. The first (price gouging) is entirely made up, the second is deeply deceptive. 

On balance, there is no comparison: Kamala Harris’ “Focused” is full of it. Trump’s “She is the Vice President” is honest.



Note: the opinions expressed herein are those of Sam Stone only and not his co-host Chuck Warren or Breaking Battlegrounds’ staff.

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