breaking battlegrounds
Dems Spread “Noble” Manure

Dems Spread “Noble” Manure

Since Joe Biden announced he would end his reelection campaign, Democrats have been filling every airwave, print outlet, and digital channel with glowing tributes to Biden’s patriotism and unselfishness. They are shoveling so much manure, I can hardly breathe through the stench. 

There was nothing noble or unselfish about Biden’s withdrawal. He got shoved out of the door by Democrat power brokers and donors. It was a coup

Was Biden stepping aside the right thing to do? This country is, whether the Leftstream Media wants to admit it or not, in a Constitutional crisis. The President is clearly not in charge of his faculties, much less the White House. The U.S. does not have a President. So, yes, Biden should have stepped aside. He should also resign. That would be a noble act. Being dragged out of the race by insiders and billionaires is not.

It is convenient, though, for Democrats that the leftist political operatives with bylines are all so focused on Joe Biden’s fabricated nobility. If they weren’t, someone might have to start asking questions about how a Party that just spent four years screaming “Democracy!!” can replace their nominee overnight, with zero input from the public. 

The good news about the left’s full embrace of anti-democratic processes, is our august Border Czar and newly appointed Democrat champion, Kamala Harris, is every bit as incompetent and incoherent as Joe Biden has become. The difference is Joe could once tell lies that sounded believable. Harris can’t even get through a publicity shoot without outing herself as a socially awkward loon. She’s also such a compelling candidate that a massive war chest and nonstop slobbering by CNN weren’t enough to win her a single state in the 2020 primary.

Note: the opinions expressed herein are those of Sam Stone only and not his co-host Chuck Warren or Breaking Battlegrounds’ staff.

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