breaking battlegrounds
Arizona Congressional District 8 Primary Election Polling

NEW: Arizona Congressional District 8 Primary Election Polling

Arizona Congressional District 8 Primary Election Polling

*The Tyson Group conducted a survey between 4/20/24 – 4/22/24 targeting a representative sample of n=305 likely voters for the upcoming Arizona CD 8 primary election. The margin of error for this study is +/- 4%. Participants were recruited and surveyed using an online panel to gather their responses. The survey was commissioned and paid for by

A few highlights:

  • In Arizona’s 8th congressional district, 39% of voters identified fighting illegal immigration as their primary issue when deciding their congressional vote, closely followed by reducing inflation and improving the economy, which was the main concern for 30% of the respondents.

  • In the CD-8 Ballot Test, Blake Masters leads with 16% support, followed by Trent Franks at 11%, Abe Hamadeh at 10%, and Ben Toma at 9%. Both Anthony Kern and Patrick Briody garnered 3% support each, while a notable 48% of voters remain undecided.

  • 60% of those surveyed believe that abortion laws should be determined at the state level by legislatures.

  • Regarding abortion, 41% of voters support the availability of abortion up to 15 weeks of pregnancy, whereas 27% advocate for a complete ban on abortions.

  • Donald Trump enjoys a net favorability of +51% in the district.

If you have questions or would like a quote, contact [email protected].

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