Random Thoughts: DNC Convention Hypocrisy, Time with Friends and Mass Media

Do they run their comments by anyone?

The DNC Convention was well done. That is not even subject for debate. It worked for low-informed voters and their activists. Kamala Harris and liar-in-chief Tim Walz kept their speeches short and biographical in nature.

Of course, the Democratic National Convention did not say much regarding policy (5 weeks and she has not given a press conference yet), but did mention Donald Trump (147 times on the first day alone) A LOT and proffered generic terms like growth, opportunity, and freedom (basically, having an abortion whenever is their Democrat definition of “freedom” now). For this communication strategy, the legacy press reached orgasmic heights of adulation. They no longer need their Pornhub subscriptions.

What caught my attention was the ranked hypocrisy by the speakers.  

We won’t even get into socialist Bernie Sanders castigating billionaires right before trust fund billionaire Gov. J.B. Pritzker gave his remarks.

What was funny was Michelle Obama’s tone deaf oratory.

Her speech was good; her self-introspection… not so much.

Michelle Obama told America that her parents were “were suspicious of folks who took more than they needed.” I wonder if she wrote that line from her Martha’s Vineyard mansion, valued at an estimated $12 million, or the Obamas’ Washington, D.C. home, valued at $8.1 million, or their $8.7 million Hawaii property.

What’s really funny when talking about wealth is that she’s wearing a pantsuit that costs approximately $3,000.

Do these folks ever run their comments outside their circle of family and “yes” persons?  

Would it have killed her to go down and choose something from Banana Republic, J. Crew, or even Target while criticizing wealth and billionaires?  

So much hypocrisy to write about, but so little time.

Just remember, she castigated, or at the very least criticized, wealth and the billionaire class while looking out at arena suites that donors and corporations had donated millions to the Democratic National Committee for the chance to be in the good graces of Kamala Harris and ordinary people, like the Obamas.

Side note: Thank you, Chris Cuomo, for pointing out the donor suite hypocrisy.

Not to mention, Ms. Obama charges up to $750,000 for speeches. This also excludes the fact that after leaving the White House, Penguin Random House signed them to a joint book deal that reportedly pays them $65 million for their respective memoirs, and Netflix (owned by a billionaire) gave them a nine-digit production deal.

This from a couple who entered the White House with a net worth of $1.3 million.

Daily Average Time with Friends - Make a Deliberate Effort

The graph below is not a good sign and is a piece of the puzzle in understanding our epidemic of loneliness and national incivility.

Marriage therapists and all amateur, self-proclaimed online therapists highly recommend that we make time for a date night with our spouse, partner, or significant other each week. They are right. If you’re not doing it, start this week!

Maybe it’s time we start putting that much effort into date nights, lunches, or outings with friends at least once a month. Life is not meant to be lived alone, my friends. We often think we spend more time with those we love than we actually do. Let us all make a conscientious effort. Our lives will be enhanced by it.

Daily Average Time with Friends in Minutes

Americans's Trust in Mass Media

How the legacy news has handled the curt dismissal of Joe Biden and the coronation of Kamala Harris is not only appalling but also frightening. They act like a bunch of teenage Swifties at a Taylor Swift concert when it comes to Kamala Harris and her pathetic running mate, liar-in-chief Tim Walz.

Well, the reality is that they are still a business. They know who their audience is, and the graph shows exactly that. Besides the sad fact that roughly nine out of ten reporters in national legacy media are Democrats or liberals, their audience and readers are also liberal. They have lost the respect, viewership, and readership of moderate and conservative Americans. Hence, they will just keep preaching to the choir and cashing their checks. It will not get better before November or afterward.

Note: the opinions expressed herein are those of Chuck Warren only and not his co-host Sam Stone or Breaking Battlegrounds’ staff.

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