Expelled for Being Black? Not Quite

The AP has a report out today lamenting the fact Black students are suspended and expelled from public K-12 schools at a much higher rate than other ethnic groups. As per policy, the authors of the study and the Associated Leftist blame racism:

 “The country’s racial reckoning elevated the concept of the “school-to-prison pipeline” — the notion that being kicked out of school, or dropping out, increases the chance of arrest and imprisonment years later. School systems made incremental progress in reducing suspensions and expulsions, but advocates say the underlying bias and structures remain in place.”

Claiming U.S. public schools – institutions staffed and run by cadres of dedicated DEI-minions – are racistly tossing black kids out of school is laughable. What’s the actual root cause of the disparity between black and white school suspensions? The answer is the same as the disparity in murder rates: young black (mostly males) commit violence at higher rates than every other ethnic group. The piece’s lede references a young black student who, according to the AP was a model student:

Of course, we only have the student and his mother’s word to take for that, school officials were not quoted. But then we come to the meat of the matter that even the Associated Press can’t ignore:

“But when Byrd got involved in a fight after school one day, none of that seemed to matter to administrators. Byrd said he was defending himself and two friends after three other students threatened to rob them. Administrators at Tri-Cities High School in Georgia called the altercation a “group fight” — an automatic 10-day suspension.”

Now, here’s the thing: about the only reason anyone gets suspended or expelled from a public school IS for violence. Ignore your teachers, fail every course, disrupt every classroom you’re in and generally make a 4-year nuisance of yourself that harms the ability of every other student around you to learn, and you’ll still graduate with a solid GPA. Leftism has turned a high school degree into a participation trophy. 

And yet, the race-baiting grifters of the left refuse to accept reality. The disparity in discipline numbers is, in reality, another example of the racism of low expectations that the left paternalistically applies to black Americans. Since “Restorative Justice” – the idea that black and minority students should be punished less for the same offenses than their white peers – took hold in schools, violence against teachers and students has exploded.

The AP’s report is just another example of leftist excuse-making for the small subset of black Americans who commit violent acts at rates far, far beyond those of any other ethnic or religious group. The majority of black households are middle class and above, and their kids aren’t the ones committing these acts of violence, either. The failure of our society to hold the tiny group of bad actors accountable for their actions simply because their skin is black is doing immense and permanent harm to society at large, but it is also deeply harmful to the majority of black Americans and their children who just want a great education and equal opportunities for their families. The violence and anti-social behavior are robbing their kids of a quality education, and excusing it in the name of equity is racist. 

Note: the opinions expressed herein are those of Sam Stone only and not his co-host Chuck Warren or Breaking Battlegrounds’ staff.

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