Is Google Hiding GOP Candidate Sites?

Is Google Hiding GOP Candidate Sites?

Having trouble locating the candidate website for your favorite local GOP legislators? Might want to switch from Google to DuckDuckGo or another search engine. 

While doing research this morning for a project, I needed to pull the official candidate campaign committee information for each of the Republicans running for the Arizona State Senate and House. I typically switch my default search engine from Google to DuckDuckGo for privacy reasons, but I recently bought a new laptop, and wasn’t paying attention to the fact the default search was still set as Google. Here are the results for one Arizona Senate candidate, Warren Petersen…

Warren Petersen

As you can see with Google, there are links to Petersen’s Senate website and related organizations, but not to his campaign website. I went through five pages of results and still didn’t find Petersen’s campaign website.


With DuckDuckGo, the campaign website is listed directly at the top, above the general results. Obviously, this is just one candidate, but I have found several others whose results fall into the same category—mostly state Republican leadership and some high-profile ‘firebrand’ types.

Is this happening in your state also? Is this yet another example of Big Tech (outside of X) deliberately putting their thumbs on the scale for Democrats? Is this part of the reason Democrat candidates are out-fundraising their GOP counterparts at the local and state level across the country?

For comparison, Petersen’s Democrat opponent in November, Elizabeth Brown:

elizabeth brown arizona

Brown’s website is the second result. 

Thank God for Elon Musk.

Note: the opinions expressed herein are those of Sam Stone only and not his co-host Chuck Warren or Breaking Battlegrounds’ staff.

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