breaking battlegrounds
Lankford – Sinema Craft Permanent Open Border

Lankford – Sinema Craft Permanent Open Border

Here’s what the long-awaited border bill being developed in secret doesn’t do to secure the border:

  1. No border wall

  2. No increased enforcement

  3. No increased returns to country of origin

  4. No real step up in fentanyl /drug enforcement

Here’s just some of what the bill does:

  1. Allows 1.8 million illegal immigrants in each year to stay, on top of the current 1-2 million legal immigrants already let in each year under current laws.

  2. After 1.8 million, it keeps letting them in, with a lowered threshold for asylum claims.

  3. Speeds processing at the border so they can get to their destinations faster

  4. Let’s the government send them an email or text instead to let them know what the court date they will be skipping is

Folks, you can read it for yourself here. This Biden – Lankford – Sinema border bill is nothing but a permanently legalized open border.

Note: the opinions expressed herein are those of Sam Stone only and not his co-host Chuck Warren or Breaking Battlegrounds’ staff.

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