The Media Members Who Lied About the Biden Cheap Fakes

The Media Members Who Lied About the Biden Cheap Fakes

Before last week’s presidential debate debacle, President Biden’s newsroom and media court jesters were scolding Americans about “cheap fakes” promoted by the nasty right-wing media. “Don’t believe what you see, fools” was their message.

As everyone who watched the debate knows, they weren’t cheap fakes. Biden is old. Biden is a 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. president. His mental faculties are declining. He looks like Mr. Burns from The Simpsons.

And folks, there is nothing wrong with getting old. We all hope to live a life where we get to the old stage and eat ice cream. However, these Biden liberal propagandists just justified, bobbed and weaved, and lied.

As Charles Cook of National Review wrote, “They lied to us about Biden. We knew they were lying to us. They knew we knew they were lying to us. They lied anyway.”

Here are the names. Yes, we’re naming names. These are the same Biden groupies who told us Hunter Biden’s laptop was Russian disinformation, among other nonsense.

Time to stop giving them any credibility. Share their names with family and friends. During this election season and beyond, just tune them out.

Biden “Cheap Fake” Propagandists

Brian Stelter

Brian Stelter on the Biden bumbles: “This is a real problem. This is not some made-up fiction. The videos are oftentimes made up, but the problem is real.”

Elliot Williams (23:02) and Meghan Hays (28:25)

Elliot Williams and Meghan Hays

Rhona Tarrant

Oliver Darcy

Joe Scarborough, Mika Brzezinski and Michael Steele

Joe Scarborough, Mika Brzezinski and Michael Steele

Nicole Wallace (0:00) and Tim Miller (6:30)

Brian Tyler Cohen

Jimmy Kimmel (7:10)

Melissa Goldin

Glenn Kessler

Note: the opinions expressed herein are those of Chuck Warren only and not his co-host Sam Stone or Breaking Battlegrounds’ staff.

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