Make them Tren de Dead

Make them Tren de Dead

Aurora is just the start. Tren de Aragua, the violent Venezuelan gang whose members were taken from jail and escorted across the U.S. border courtesy of corrupt, election-stealing dictator Nicolas Maduro, won’t stop with just one apartment complex in one city. Already, reports are coming out of Chicago indicating another apartment complex takeover.


Here is a log of the calls to Chicago PD as they started to roll in from residents under siege:

Chicago PD

It won’t stop in Aurora and Chicago. Latin American gangs make U.S. criminals look like helpless kittens. They will shoot a cop at the drop of a hat. They have no problem starting mass firefights in the streets. Compared to jails in Latin America, they view our prisons as vacation resorts. And, unlike US gangs, Tren de Aragua is disciplined. They are highly structured, many members are former military and train new recruits for combat. Also, unlike U.S. gangs which tend to focus on narcotics trafficking, there is no area of criminal activity Tren de Aragua does not participate in. 

For all the criminal carnage American gangs engage in, there are boundaries they aren’t generally willing to push past. That’s not true of the Venezuelans. And Tren de Aragua itself is just the tip of a vast, global criminal universe. There are literally dozens of gangs from around the world eyeballing the U.S. as their next conquest, and they have as little respect for life and law as Tren de Aragua does.

All this, of course, is happening courtesy of Joe Biden and failed Border Czar Kamala Harris, and there is zero chance anything resembling appropriate action against these murderous thugs as long as they are in office as doing so would be an admission of their failure to secure the border. But what needs to happen, the only way we’re going to stop this, is for U.S. law enforcement to do things they are largely forbidden and persecuted for doing these days: get absolutely medieval and murderous on these thugs in their own right. 

The reason U.S. criminal enterprises have typically stayed within some bounds (not targeting police or elected officials, limiting collateral damage, etc.) is because back in the 1920’s and 30’s when U.S. crime syndicates and individual criminals were becoming unafraid to engage in the types of violence we’re seeing from foreign gangs now, U.S. authorities responded with overwhelming deadly force.

If the U.S. doesn’t want to turn into Latin America, it’s time to bring the hammer down once again. We can talk about mass deportations now all we want, but does anyone really think these guys will be lining up to get on the buses? Nope, they’ll go underground, just to pop up again and again. Wherever these foreign gangs go, bullets should follow. Storm every location they pop their vicious little heads up in. Speak their language: give them zero silver, and lots of lead.

Note: the opinions expressed herein are those of Sam Stone only and not his co-host Chuck Warren or Breaking Battlegrounds’ staff.

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