Kamala Harris

Sorry, Politico, Dysfunction IS the Harris Way

Politico has a piece out today detailing what they call “unusual levels of finger pointing” inside Kamala Harris’ campaign, and worry that the discord could hurt her chances to win Pennsylvania. Here’s the issue: there’s nothing unusual about a Kamala Harris operation devolving into internal strife.

Here’s CNN reporting on the end of her 2020 Presidential campaign

“Instead, according to people close to Harris, the search exacerbated a series of central issues within the campaign: A lack of clear messaging from the candidate and combative infighting between some of Harris’ longtime aides from California, her sister-turned-campaign chairwoman Maya Harris, and campaign manager Juan Rodriguez.

Harris’ campaign soon became a hotbed of drama and backbiting, with many staffers feeling torn between the rival factions.”

And in her Vice-Presidential office

“The White House dove into damage control this week after reports of dysfunction and infighting in Vice President Kamala Harris’ office, with the administration trying to stop a drama-filled narrative from taking hold, according to five people who spoke to CNN about the dynamics within Harris’ office.


Two people close to Harris’ team said some individuals inside the vice president’s office are frustrated with what they see as a dysfunctional operation that has been at times waylaid by internal conflict. Some of that ire is directed squarely at Harris’ chief of staff, Tina Flournoy, those people said.”

“The now vice president took a job with the City of San Francisco after she resigned from the San Francisco district attorney’s office after she led a poorly organized coup to overthrow Chief Deputy District Attorney Darrell Salomon.


‘I’ve become disillusioned and disappointed with the top leadership of the district attorney’s office,’ Harris said publicly as she resigned, complaining about the ‘dysfunctional’ leadership and ‘low level of morale’ in the office.”

The only thing unusual about campaign and staff infighting surrounding Harris would be if there wasn’t any. 

Note: the opinions expressed herein are those of Sam Stone only and not his co-host Chuck Warren or Breaking Battlegrounds’ staff.

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