breaking battlegrounds
Harvard graduates pay the price for student support for Hamas and liberalism among faculty

Harvard graduates pay the price for student support for Hamas and liberalism among faculty

Sadlyand disturbingly, we have watched Harvard students advocate for genocide against Jewish individuals, and just the other day we saw a top Harvard law student physically and verbally assaulted a Jewish student. The question arises: do employers and teams want to hire and work with people from an arrogant university where such behavior is tolerated?Harvard appears to have funny interpretations of what free speech is allowed and what should be censored at all expense.

Recent public opinion polling data from Noble Predictive Insights (NPI)in partnership with Breaking Battlegrounds shows that liberal faculty members and pro-Palestinian student groups are damaging the reputation – and possibly economic prospects – of current graduates.

The pollfound that 45% of Arizona registered voters were “much less likely” or “less likely” to hire or voluntarily work with a Harvard graduate after hearing information about the pro-Palestine views of some student groups and uniformliberalismamong the faculty. Only 23% said they were “more likely” or “much more likely” to work with graduates after hearing this information.

The question and results read:

Thirty-three Harvard student organizations signed a letter on October 8th, 2023 blaming Israel solely for the Hamas terrorist attacks that killed more than 700 Israeli civilians. The letter said: ‘We, the undersigned student organizations, hold the Israeli regime entirely responsible for the unfolding violence.’

Harvard also placed last in an independent ranking of free speech on 248 university campuses. And, according to a survey by the Harvard Crimson – a student-run newspaper – less than three percent of Harvard faculty members identify as conservative.

Knowing this information, would you be more or less likely to hire or voluntarily work with a Harvard graduate?



Much more likely


More likely


Less likely


Much less likely




These results may be sobering for Harvard graduates. Harvard has one of the strongest brands in higher education, and its graduates hold a disproportionate number of jobs in the most powerful sectors of American society. But the actions of current faculty and student groups are damaging Harvard’s brand – and potentially harming alumni who have no ties to these groups or professors.

Methodology: This poll was conducted as an online opt-in panel survey. The survey was completed by Noble Predictive Insights from October 23–29, 2023 from an Arizona Statewide Registered Voter sample. The sample demographics were weighted to accurately reflect gender, region, age, party affiliation, ethnicity, and education. The sample size was 1,010 completed surveys, with an MoE of ± 3.1%. Numbers may not equal 100% due to rounding. 

Media Contact:

Veronica Sutliff, Noble Predictive Insights[email protected], (602) 390-5248

Mike Noble, Noble Predictive Insights[email protected], (480) 313-1837

About Noble Predictive Insights: As a nonpartisan public opinion polling, market research, and data analytics firm, Noble Predictive Insights exists to elevate the world around us by empowering decision-makers with digestible data and actionable insights that translate to data-based solutions. We bridge the gap between research and strategy with customized strategic research, a hyper-focus on impact, and being true partners with our clients. Noble Predictive Insights (formerly O.H. Predictive Insights) is a 2023 Inc. 5000 fastest-growing company in the Southwest region, and is ranked in the top 15 most accurate pollsters as well as in the top 5 for lowest average bias in the 2021-22 election cycle by FiveThirtyEight. For more information, please call (602) 326-5694 or visit our website at

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