The Democrats Lie of Defending Democracy

The Democrats Lie of Defending Democracy

“Donald Trump is a threat to democracy!”

How many times have you heard that line? And yet, the actual threat to democracy is the Democratic Party. 

For years, the Democratic Party leadership was gaslighting America into thinking that Joe Biden had no cognitive problems. If you talked about it, you were shamed. If you wrote about it, you were blocked. And if you were Congressman Dean Phillips and attempted to run against Biden, you were completely shunned and isolated.

Dean Phillips mounted his campaign to give Democratic primary voters a choice— you know, democracy. But the Democratic National Committee, acting at the behest of President Biden, changed the rules of the primary, which included blocking Iowa from going first in the presidential contest and ensuring that any states that went before South Carolina lost their delegate allotment to the convention.

As a result, the Iowa Caucus for Democrats was canceled, and New Hampshire lost its “first primary in the nation” status because of DNC rules, and Biden was not even on the ballot.

Biden and his team knew that he was vulnerable to a challenge if they kept the primary process the same, given Biden’s history of seriously underperforming in both Iowa and New Hampshire (he came in 4th in Iowa and 5th in New Hampshire in the 2020 primary).

So, Biden avoids any real challenge by having the DNC rig the system in his favor, and then, when his cognitive decline is exposed for the world to see at the debate in June, he drops out of the race and immediately throws his support to Kamala Harris, who HAS NEVER EVEN COMPETED IN A DEMOCRATIC CAUCS OR PRIMARY CONTEST FOR PRESIDENT. Remember, she dropped out in 2020 before the Iowa caucus.

Within 24 hours, she locked up the rigged system and locked out any other potential Democratic candidate from replacing Biden at the Democratic Convention.

To recap: Biden rigs the 2024 Democratic primary process, his team lies about his acuity, and when his cognitive decline is exposed on national television, some voices call for him to quit the campaign and have an open convention. Instead, he quits the campaign and immediately coronates Harris.

But Trump is the danger to Democracy, right? More like democracy is a threat to the Democratic party.

Note: the opinions expressed herein are those of Sean Noble only and not Breaking Battlegrounds’ staff. Sean is a friend of the show and host of Light Beer Dark Money.

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