Donald Trump

Trump & 3rd World Dumps

The leftstream media is back at it: accusing Donald Trump of bigotry for calling Third World dumps “shitholes” and murderers what they are. The attack is, of course, off base and relies on another cut and paste of Trump’s comments to make. But is it bigotry to call Third World countries “Third World” and “shitholes”? Nope. That’s just the truth. Here’s another: in this era, for a country to have remained in abject poverty, requires their people to be oppressed by their own corrupt leadership. Yet according to the leftstream echo chamber, accusing violent criminals of being violent criminals is an assault on every person who isn’t white. 

Here are the top 10 most corrupt countries on earth according to the Transparency Index: Somalia, Venezuela, Syria, South Sudan, Yemen, North Korea, Nicaragua, Haiti, Equatorial Guinea, and Turkmenistan. Every one of them can accurately be called a shithole.

The 10 least corrupt countries: Denmark, Finland, New Zealand, Norway, Singapore, Sweden, Switzerland, Netherlands, Germany, and Luxemborg. The U.S. is 24th. There isn’t a single country in the top half of the list that is a bad place to live. There isn’t a single country in the bottom third that is a good place to live. Oppression in our current time is universally a matter of leaders who oppress their own population. The left can blame colonialism all they want, but Uruguay, Barbados, and the UAE among many others make it clear that building from a colonial history to modern stability is not merely possible: it has happened everywhere the local leadership wasn’t a corrupt mess. 

Corruption is a virus. When a society embraces political and social corruption at the top, that embrace will spread to the rest of society. Hence, it shouldn’t be a surprise when a group of Somalis arrives in the U.S. and immediately organizes a massive Covid-funding fraud scheme. Or when a violent gang deposited in the U.S. by Venezuelan dictator Nicolas Maduro starts taking over apartment complexes, even entire blocks, to create police no-go zones like the ones they have at home, in their 3rd World shithole.

Hence, far from being wrong, Trump is hitting on a critical truth essential to preserve the promise and opportunity of America: who we import into this country matters, a lot. Every single person who wants to come here needs to be thoroughly vetted. Period. If a country is so broken down, like Somalia or Haiti, that we have no records or background information to assess individuals by we should not be allowing those individuals to come here. Period. If we want to show compassion for the people of these nations, we can do that in their home countries (just don’t send the Clinton Foundation). 

Note: the opinions expressed herein are those of Sam Stone only and not his co-host Chuck Warren or Breaking Battlegrounds’ staff.

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