U.S. Adding More Illegals Than Jobs

U.S. Adding More Illegals Than Jobs

The latest government jobs data revision came out today, and it’s not good news for people who think Joe Biden or Kamala Harris have the answers for our failing economy. In total, from April 2023 through March 2024, the economy added 818,000 fewer jobs than Biden/Harris previously claimed. That reduces monthly job gains from 242,000 per month, to about 174,000. 

In 2023, the U.S. Border Patrol reported encountering approximately 1.6 million illegal aliens who were allowed into the country, or about 137,500 per month. Add in the number of “got aways” – the estimated 1.5 million people who also entered the country in the last three years illegally, but avoided being detained by Border Patrol, and that number jumps by another 41,700 entrants, for a total of 179,200 illegal entrants per month. So, even using the Biden Administration’s own numbers, Biden/Harris are importing over 5,000 more people per month than jobs being created. 

Three additional points: 

  1. As you can see in the first link, one of the only areas of job growth that wasn’t revised down was government sector hiring. Government job growth under Biden/Harris had previously been estimated at 25% of total gains, or approximately 61,000 jobs per month. The latest revision increases that to 35%, meaning more than a third of all jobs created under the current administration are public tax payroll jobs. An unknown additional number of jobs have been created via government contract spending, so it’s entirely possible that over half of all jobs created under the Biden/Harris administration are taxpayer funded. 

  2. Immigration numbers do not include those flown directly into the country in under the Biden/Harris illegal immigration assistance program. Current data shows that just since January of 2023, 765,000 immigrants have used the Biden / Harris app to schedule government-funded flights directly into the country – about 40,000 people per month. Add these additional aliens, and Biden/Harris are bringing in over 45,000 more people per month than jobs they are creating.

  3. “Got away” numbers used are government estimates that Border Patrol sources refute as being far lower than the actual number.

Note: the opinions expressed herein are those of Sam Stone only and not his co-host Chuck Warren or Breaking Battlegrounds’ staff.

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