breaking battlegrounds
Open Border is Biden's Fault - So are the Millions Crossing it Annually

Open Border is Biden’s Fault – So are the Millions Crossing it Annually

Pres. Biden, his administration and many of his media apologists lie about the southern border. He does not need Congressional legislation on his desk, he has the tools and authority to help rectify the crisis today. And let us be honest, if he was really concerned about our open border and our national security, he would accept the House Immigration proposals in order to get his Ukraine money. (Chuck Note: Russia can not be allowed to succeed.)

Today, I am going to share two sets of numbers. Simply bookmark them and share them whenever some liberal writes/says the border is secure or this is Republicans’ fault. The latter is laughable and revisionist history.

According to Wikipedia, “During his first day in office, Biden reversed many of Trump’s policies on immigration, such as halting the construction of the Mexican border wall, ending Trump’s travel ban restricting travel from 14 countries, and an executive order to reaffirm protections for DACA recipients.”

President Biden also paused deportations and suspended “Remain in Mexico.”

Border Crossings – 


2023: 3,201,144

2022: 2,766,582

2021: 1,956,519 – Biden took office on January 20, 2021

2020: 405,036

2019: 859,501

2018: 404,142

2017: 310,531 – Trump took office on January 20, 2017

2016: 415,816

2015: 337,117

2014: 486,651

2013: 420,789

2012: 364,768

These numbers do not include those who came across our borders undetected. As Nellie Bowles wrote, “Border Patrol reported 302,034 migrant encounters in December, which breaks the previous record set in September. Among those were 19 people on the FBI terror watch list. Nineteen! Enough to play a basketball tournament. For a sense of the trend here, in 2023, Border Patrol reported 2.4 million total encounters. (That doesn’t count: the 30,000 migrants lawfully allowed in each month through the Cuban, Haitian, Nicaraguan, and Venezuelan parole program, or the estimated 800,000 “gotaways” in 2023.) In 2018 the number of encounters was 396,579.”

Illegal Aliens who were No-Shows for their Removal Proceedings -

This came from Ryan James Girdusky who wrote, “The DOJ (Department of Justice) published a chart showing the number of illegal aliens who were no-shows for their removal proceedings hit an all-time high in Fiscal Year 2023. A record-breaking 159,379 aliens failed to appear as required before immigration judges.”

executive office for immigration review

For those who are concerned about what is effectively the United States’ open border, no need to exaggerate the problem. The numbers from the Department of Justice and U.S. Customs and Border Protection clearly show the problem and who was president when the onslaught commenced.

Note: the opinions expressed herein are those of Chuck Warren only and not his co-host Sam Stone or Breaking Battlegrounds’ staff.

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