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Podcast 158: Explore Russia-Ukraine Relations with Thomas Grove and Delve into the Republican Party with Dan McLaughlin

Russia-Ukraine Relations with Thomas Grove
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Podcast 158: Explore Russia-Ukraine Relations with Thomas Grove and Delve into the Republican Party with Dan McLaughlin

Welcome to Breaking Battlegrounds Radio! In this week’s episode, we dive deep into a range of thought-provoking topics with our fantastic lineup of guests. First up, we have Thomas Grove, a renowned WSJ reporter, who provides valuable insights into the latest developments in Russia and Ukraine.

Then, our friend of the show, Dan McLaughlin, also known as the ‘Baseball Crank’ on Twitter, joins us for an engaging conversation. Dan shares his thoughts on how to refocus the media’s attention on critical issues beyond Trump, including discussions on polling trends for both Trump and Biden, the upcoming presidential election next year, and his insights into the Speaker’s race.

And, of course, we can’t forget Kiley Kipper in Kiley’s Corner! Tune in to hear Kiley’s unique take on various subjects this week, including the mysterious world of Tupac, the Citizen app, and the enchanting puffin season in Iceland. Join Kiley as she unravels the story and discusses its implications, all from her corner of the studio.


Thomas Grove covers the confrontation between Russia and the West for The Wall Street Journal. He is based in Warsaw. Before that Thomas covered Russia for more than a decade and he has traveled to Ukraine regularly since Russia’s invasion. He writes on Russia’s military, the arms trade and the Russian defense sector as well as great power competition.

He started his career in Istanbul with Reuters writing about the economy and the rise of Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s AKP. Thomas has since reported from across Central Asia, the Caucasus region and the Middle East.

Dan McLaughlin is a senior writer at National Review Online and a fellow at National Review Institute. He was formerly an attorney practicing securities and commercial litigation in New York City, a contributing editor of RedState, columnist at the Federalist and the New Ledger, a baseball blogger at,, the Providence Journal Online, and a contributor to the Command Post. His writings on politics, baseball, and law have appeared in numerous other newspapers, magazines, websites, and legal journals.


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