As a disciple of the Cloward / Piven socialist movement, Barack Obama was nothing if not patient. He understood the long game, and America is paying the price. Here are the top 10 ways Barack Obama sought to destroy the foundations of the United States, and why he should go down in history as America’s worst President.
Immigration – The Biden admin’s open borders policy was first set in place during the waning years of the Obama administration as a direct precondition to achieving Obama’s second term vision of a permanent Democrat coalition guaranteed by minority votes.
Foreign Policy – Obama might have been feted as a great foreign leader by the rest of the world, but that was because he was routinely willing rollover and play dead for them. He promised Russia he would rollback the U.S. defense of Poland, creating the opening for Vladimir Putin to invade Crimea. Actively aided the global ambitions of the Chinese Communist Party. Helped Jihadists conquer large swaths of the Middle East in the so-called “Arab Spring”, and bolstered radical Communist dictatorships across Latin America.
Healthcare – Obama and Nancy Pelosi took a relatively simple problem with healthcare billing for the uninsured, and created a monstrosity that has reduced the quality and bloated the price of healthcare for most Americans. He drove physicians out of private practice and into the arms of large hospital groups, and killed off independent pharmacies. And it’s entirely likely that he did so knowing the system he put in place would be a disaster, opening the door to a massive government expansion via Medicaid-for-all.
Bureaucracy – Obama turbocharged rulemaking by unelected bureaucrats, massively expanding the scope and power of federal agencies into virtually every area of American life. Mud puddles on farms became a target of the EPA. The CIA became the gatekeeper of social media.
Racism – Facing an uphill climb to reelection in the face of unfulfilled promises and unpopular policies, Obama unleashed the race-baiting, bigoted ideology of Critical Race Theory from the darkest recesses of college campuses, turbocharged it with federal funding, and turned the greatest racially unifying moment in U.S. history into a boiling cauldron of racial grievance and blame-casting to power an anti-white coalition that could secure his return to the Oval Office. DEI is Obama’s disastrous legacy.
Activist Infiltration – Presidents have always had the power to appoint a large number of people to positions throughout the federal government, but not to place them in permanent civil service jobs. Obama, with lessons learned from Chicago machine politics, salted the earth of every federal agency with radical left-wing activists who could carry on his intended recreation of the U.S. regardless of future electoral outcomes.
Energy – Cancelled the Keystone XL pipeline (and quietly put the kibosh on a number of similar projects), limited oil and gas production, and began an ongoing debacle of federal “green” subsidies that vastly enriched his donors while driving up the cost of gas and home electricity for everyone else.
Military – Obama began a process, accelerated by Biden, of replacing top military brass with politically reliable, and largely incompetent, leftists. The disastrously managed withdrawal from Afghanistan and a Navy that can’t identify our own fighter jets are the result.
Media – Just as he did with bureaucracy, Obama deliberately salted the media landscape with unthinking partisans, and set up institutions like Media Matters and the various censorship agencies outside government to control the message. Trust in media didn’t crater by accident, Obama’s messaging apparatus killed it with lies.
Lawfare – Under Obama, Eric Holder’s DOJ began the process of weaponizing federal law and courts. Radical, violent leftist protesters were turned loose. Cops were targeted. And unfavored businesses became targets for government takedowns.
The Biden Administration’s unelected hydra of unknown leaders has exacerbated all these problems, and many more, but the root cause of so many of the conflicts roiling American society and tearing down the barriers of civility have their roots in the Obama administration. It’s also more than likely that the heads of that hydra are still taking their marching orders from the former President. So despite his best and most senile efforts, Joe Biden can’t hold a candle to his boss.
Note: the opinions expressed herein are those of Sam Stone only and not his co-host Chuck Warren or Breaking Battlegrounds’ staff.