breaking battlegrounds

Sam Stone


Hollywood’s Next Blockbuster -“A diabolical, action-thriller series with never-ending plot twists”

Dear Hollywood, I have a script for you. It’s a cross between 24, JFK, and All the President’s Men. People will love it!…An aging, dementia-ridden U.S. President, facing an uphill re-election fight, flies to Nevada to campaign in front of people who are already voting for him. He seems fine, but the next thing you

Hollywood’s Next Blockbuster -“A diabolical, action-thriller series with never-ending plot twists” Read More »

Chevron Exposes Leftist Totalitarianism

Chevron Exposes Leftist Totalitarianism

The left’s freakout over the Supreme Court decision to toss the “Chevron Deference” doctrine is an admission of their failure to govern democratically, and the unpopularity of the agenda they’ve been advancing. There’s a reason modern Democratic campaigns are built on generically amicable sounding statements and vicious, mostly unfounded, attacks on their opponents: they have

Chevron Exposes Leftist Totalitarianism Read More »

Pedophilia, Lies, and Video Tape

Pedophilia, Lies, and Video Tape – Excuses Won’t Make Biden Fit for Office

Joe Biden has dementia, the entire world knows it, the left can’t accept it. Biden’s empty-eyed, rambling performance wasn’t the result of a cold, as his team tried to claim 30 minutes into the debate. Afterwards, when it was clear no one bought that farcical assertion, and the New York Times editorial board was busy

Pedophilia, Lies, and Video Tape – Excuses Won’t Make Biden Fit for Office Read More »

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