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What President Biden’s Sunday Unity Speech Was Missing

What President Biden’s Sunday Unity Speech Was Missing

President Joe Biden has given three speeches since the assassination attempt on former President Trump. They have one thing in common: failing to rise to the moment.

There are many things wrong with them, but one stands out about his Oval Office speech. Here’s the passage:

We cannot—we must not go down this road in America. We’ve traveled it before throughout our history. Violence has never been the answer whether it’s with members of Congress in both parties being targeted in the shot, or a violent mob attacking the Capitol on January 6th, or a brutal attack on the spouse of former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, or information and intimidation on election officials, or the kidnapping plot against a sitting governor, or an attempted assassination on Donald Trump.

Here’s a breakdown of what Biden mentioned:

  • He singled out the plot to kidnap Governor Gretchen Whitmer.

  • He mentioned the attack on Paul Pelosi.

  • He invoked January 6, which has been his biggest talking point during this campaign.

But when it came to left-wing attacks, other than on Trump that he had to mention, he did his best to give his own side a pass. Here’s a breakdown of what he omitted:

    • He didn’t explicitly mention the attack on Republican Congressman Steve Scalise during a Congressional baseball training session, where the victim nearly lost his life.

      • Instead, he vaguely talked about attacks on “members of Congress in both parties.”

    • He didn’t say a word about the assassination attempt on conservative justice, Brett Kavanaugh. Biden’s own Department of Justice is currently pursuing an attempted murder charge against the suspect, California resident Nicholas John Roske.

      • Roske told the investigators that he was motivated by the leaked draft of the Dobbs case that would overturn Roe V. Wade and Kavanaugh’s stance against gun control.

      • He wrote on his social media, “I’m gonna stop roe v wade from being overturned” and “Remove some people from the supreme court.”

      • Roske had obviously been riled up by the apocalyptic rhetoric on the left.

Yes, the right has its nuts, which it needs to own up to, but so does the left. But rather than rising above partisanship and being a president for all Americans in this difficult moment, Biden is doubling down, and he is also so cowardly that he’s doing it hoping not to get caught.

His comments follow the same strategy employed with Gaza, trying to split hairs to appease Muslim votes in Michigan, because, you know, Michigan has fifteen electoral votes.

President Biden and the people we are supposed to trust to fill in for an absentee president are so partisan and beholden to the far left that they cannot bring themselves to criticize attempted murder if it comes from the left.

Listen, folks, the whole world stopped for a month when Trump didn’t condemn his own side in Charlottesville—which he actually did; the whole world stopped to make it up and lie—but Biden is getting a pass, even though his whole message during the 2020 campaign and his Inaugural Address was bringing unity back to the country.

Contrast this with Trump. He’s been called the source of our divisions. After the attack, he said he was rewriting his acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention. It will be his first public appearance since the attack, and Trump says he will now focus on national unity in this difficult moment.

Simply put, the two men have switched sides. In 2020, Trump was accused of being divisive, while Biden was the unity candidate. Now, Biden is playing partisan politics with an assassination attempt on his rival, and Trump will be trying to bring the country together. What a sea of change!

But I wonder if anyone in the mainstream media will say this. My money is on no. They will stick to the 2020 message.

Note: the opinions expressed herein are those of Chuck Warren only and not his co-host Sam Stone or Breaking Battlegrounds’ staff.

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