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Best Podcast Topics Ideas

100+ Creative Podcast Topics and Ideas in 2024 [Updated]

If you want unique ideas to level up your podcast game in 2024, you have come to the right place. Just look at our 100+ creative podcast topics and ideas of 2024 that will grab your audience’s attention. We have covered everything, from what’s happening to detailed discussions on hot topics about important events.


When you think about starting a podcast, it seems so exciting, but what about the topic that needs to be catchy? Do not worry if you are struggling to choose the right one. We are here to help and make it easy for you.


Let’s dive into some excellent podcast topics like AI, climate, Art, Advance technology, and some insight into health trends. Then, invite some experts to your podcast and have an interview with them to learn things you were unaware of and would be more interested to know.


So what are you waiting for to start your podcast? Start exploring the list of 100+ creative podcast topics in 2024 and get into the world of podcasting like never before. With so many creative ideas available, find the best topic that suits you, grab your microphone, and start your podcast.

What is a Good Podcast Topic?

Podcasts have become an essential part of our digital era holding an extreme position with increasing listeners. Millions of people listen to the podcast on their favorite topics with their favorite host.


As a result, there is a growing interest among people who want to start their podcasts because it is a great way to reach out to a broader audience and establish yourself as an authority in your field. But the question arises what makes a good podcast topic?


Choosing the right topic is the backbone of your podcast because your case describes the motive and what you will discuss in your podcast. You can not randomly select a subject for your podcast because a good podcast topic should be something you are passionate about. If you choose a case in which you are not interested, and a lack of enthusiasm and passion is evident in your voice, your listeners will quickly lose interest.


While starting your podcast, remember that choosing a good topic must combine passion, relevancy, education, entertainment, and uniqueness. Following these things, you can find the perfect idea to build a podcast that will attract your target audience and promote you as an authority on your subject. So, start brainstorming and let your imagination run wild to find a good podcast topic.

How Do I Choose a Good Podcast Topic?

While aiming for a successful podcast, the first step to keep in mind is to select a topic that you are passionate about and to which your audience can relate. The podcast topic should be engaging since it shapes your overall content and target audience. Here are some tips to keep in mind when choosing a podcast topic:

Podcast Topics Ideas

1. Identify your interests

It is important to choose a topic for the podcast that aligns with your interests. The subject of the podcast should be the one that you have extensive knowledge and expertise about. The authenticity of the content is what makes it engaging and likeable to the audience.

2. Brainstorm Different Ideas

Before finalising a podcast topic, it is important to draw a few rough sketches of your favourite topics. This will help you understand your interests and the amount of knowledge you posses about them and the research that you might be conducting further. Maintaining multiple drafts will also help you shape your future content wisely.

3. Focus on one niche

Creating unique content is same as entrepreneurship. Unique and authentic content will shape your podcast into a brand in the long run having its unique identity. Find a unique dimension of a  general niche to produce content which is not widely covered by others to create more specific podcasts. It will help you build a dedicated following.

4. Discover your target audience

It is important to get to know the consumer needs and wants in order to provide them with the right content. It is same as conducting market research when selling a physical product. You should have an idea about the age group, gender, education, work, interests of your target audience to understand what kind of content will attract them the most.

Podcast Topics Ideas 2023

100+ Creative Podcast Topics and Ideas in 2024

Starting your podcast is a great way to share your ideas and connect with like-minded individuals. However, coming up with a podcast topic can be challenging. To help you get started, here are some podcast topic ideas to consider:

1. Personal Stories

Everyone has their own perceptions and unique life story, and these personal stories can be powerful to motivate and inspire people. In addition, they can be a great way to start your podcast, where you can share your stories on how you overcame the struggles of life, which Can be inspirational and educational for listeners.

5 Minute Personal True Stories

2. Pop Culture

Pop culture is always a hot topic for discussion. There is so much many thing that can be discussed, starting from films and TV shows to music and celebrity news. Hosting podcast on pop culture is a great way to express your thoughts new movie releases, you can discuss films or records, or take interviews of celebrities and industry experts.

Pop Culture Happy Hour

3. True Crime

True crimes have gained popularity in recent years and have become a trendy genre with a massive following. If you are interested in true crime stories, consider starting a podcast to discuss famous cases, explore lesser-known crimes, or interview experts in the field.

True Crime Obsessed

4. Niche Interests

A niche-based podcast is an excellent idea; you only need to explore your hobby or interest in any area, from cooking and gardening to gaming and sports. Then, start niche podcasts that which can be  successful enough to attract the massive followers.

Niche Interests and Targeting

5. History

History is a subject that fascinates many people because it is full of exciting stories and events. It can be a great idea to consider starting a podcast where you explore different historical events, periods, or people. You can also do interview with historians to discuss the current events of world that relate to history.

6. Self-Improvement

People are constantly seeking ways to improve their quality of life, and a self-improvement podcast can be an excellent opportunity to share essential knowledge and guidance. In addition, you can discuss topics related to personal finance, health, self-love, job advancement, and many others.

7. Comedy

Laughing is the most effective therapy, and a comedy podcast can be an excellent way to bring a little humor into people’s lives. You can consider starting a comedy-based podcast where you talk about current events through funny stories or you can also invite comedians to your podcast.

8. News and Current Events

News and current events are essential because people always want to stay up-to-date on ongoing topics. If you are passionate about journalism or current events, consider starting a podcast and discussing the latest news. Also, invite experts who can share analyses and opinions on current events.

9. Science and Technology

With the Innovation in science and advancements every day, the number of people is increasing with no shortage of things to discuss. You can discuss the latest breakthroughs and interview scientists and researchers that can offer valuable insights and predictions related to science and technology.

10. Travel

If you are a travel enthusiast and love to do adventures, consider starting your podcast on traveling, sharing your experiences, and providing travel tips and recommendations for people. Additionally, you can also discuss popular destinations and share travel stories.

11. Business and Entrepreneurship

Business and entrepreneurship are vital aspects, and with growing interest, more and more people are looking for information related to business and entrepreneurship. So, if you have a background in business or entrepreneurship, consider starting a podcast and sharing your experiences and stories on how you made your business successful and the challenges you faced. Also, you can do discussion on leadership, marketing or other topics by inviting other industry experts.

12. Education

Education is a valuable topic for podcasts that can benefit many audiences. For example, if you are interested in teaching, then a podcast on education is perfect for discussing different aspects of education, such as teaching methods, student engagement, or online learning.

13. Philosophy and Spirituality

People show a great interest in Philosophy or spirituality, and a podcast on this topic can help people to understand more about it. In addition, by starting a podcast on this topic, you can help people to explore different beliefs and ideas by discussions with experts.

14. Sports

If you love sports, creating a podcast can be a great way to connect with people who love watching sports. You can start a podcast, discuss the latest scores and news, and offer your analysis and predictions. You can invite athletes and take their interviews.

15. Food and Drink

Without food and drink, it is impossible to love because they are essential aspects of our lives. A podcast on this topic can be an excellent place to target food lovers, discuss recipes, interview chefs and bartenders, or discuss different food cultures.

16. Arts and Culture

People have shown great interest in the arts, which have become essential to our society. A podcast related to the topic can be a great way to explore different forms of art and culture. For example, you can discuss theater, Painting, and digital art and share your perceptions on many other things.

17. Mental Health

Mental health is a significant factor that is affecting many people, and they sometimes cannot understand their situation, so a podcast on mental health can be a valuable resource where you can discuss all aspects of mental health, such as strategies for coping with difficult situations self-care tips, and other advices.

18. Environmentalism

Environmentalism is a pressing issue that has a huge impact everywhere, and a podcast on this topic can be a great way to raise awareness and encourage people to take action. In this podcast, you can discuss environmental issues, interview experts and activists, or offer tips on sustainable living.

19. Adventure

If you love to explore the world and love adventures, consider starting an adventure podcast, sharing your adventures with people, and providing travel tips and recommendations. You can also share your experience of visiting different travel destinations and stories from your travels.

20. Relationships and Family

Relationships and family are important aspects of our lives, and a podcast on this topic can be highly relatable. You can discuss different types of relationships and give advice on maintaining healthy relationships or you can also invite experts so they can share their perspectives.

21. Gaming

Gaming is a popular hobby and can be a perfect niche to start your podcast. You can explore gaming podcasts in various ways, from sharing your game experience to giving listeners tips and tricks. Moreover, you can also discuss the latest video games, share your gaming, and interview game developers and experts to gain different perspectives and experiences on gaming.

22. Sports Betting

Sports betting have grown in popularity in the past few years, and a podcast that focuses on the topic may be a fantastic way to provide bettors with insights and analysis. You can speak about different sports betting tactics, make predictions, or interview sports betting gurus.

23. News and Politics

News and politics are always hot topics, and many issues are available to discuss. Starting a podcast related to news and politics can be a great way engage an audience and provide them with the necessary information by discussing current events, giving analysis, and interviewing political figures and experts.

24. Reading Challenges

If you love to read books, then you can use this idea creatively and start a podcast based on reading challenges where you can challenge yourself and your listeners to read a certain number of books within a specific time frame or to read books in a particular genre or by a specific author. Creating challenges and discussing the books afterward will help you to engage your listeners.

25. Science

Science can be explored in various ways. If you are interested in science, start your podcast based on science, discuss the latest research, and talk about new experiments and scientific breakthroughs. In addition, you can invite scientists and interview them to gain insights and analyze different scientific topics.

26. Personal Development

Personal development is one of the most creative ideas for a podcast that explores the concept of compassion for you can help people improve their lives and achieve their goals. It can also lead to improved personal and emotional growth. By listening to podcast on this topic can help many people to build their lives.

27. Mystery theme

A mystery theme is the most potential topic idea for a podcast. Where can investigate mysteries, whether historical or modern, and solving their secrets could be an exciting theme for a podcast, and it can also engage listeners. Moreover, talk about mysterious disappearances, unsolved crimes, and things in which your audience is interested.

28. Author Interviews

The idea to start a podcast to interview authors or different genre to discover more about their writing and the motivation behind their works is a great way to idea to target the audience attention. You can also include the discussion with authors about their motivation and inspiration and the challenges they faced while writing. This type of podcast will be attractive to listeners who are passionate readers and writers.

29. Book Clubs

With the evolving technology, book reading has also become digital, and nowadays, many people look for online book clubs. And starting a podcast on a virtual book club can be a great way to connect with other book lovers where they can come and discuss different books. Moreover, you can select a new book each month and discuss it with your listeners and club members in various episodes.

30. Technology and Gadgets

Technology and gadgets have become a vital part of our daily life. It can be an epic topic idea for a podcast to explore technology and gadgets, while discussing all about latest advancements, trends, and innovations within the tech industry. You can review new products and technologies that are constantly evolving.

31. Fashion and Beauty

Fashion and beauty inspire listeners to look and feel their best, and a podcast focused on this can significantly impact people looking for new fashion trends and beauty tips. You can start a podcast on fashion and beauty and explore the development of beauty standards through history and their impact on modern-day views of beauty. In a podcast, you can include interviews with beauty and fashion experts who can give listeners helpful tips and tricks.

32. Cooking

Food is a universal love language because everyone loves to eat food. And if you have expertise in cooking, then explore the creative podcast topic idea of cooking and feature recipes, food bloggers, and interviews with professional chefs, culinary historians, food scientists, and home cooks to get tips.

33. Talk about podcasting

This topic is fascinating, where you can explore the art and craft of podcasting as a podcaster. You can tell listeners how to create a podcast, where to buy equipment, and talk about other problems that come up while creating a podcast.

34. Book Adaptations

Nowadays, we see many books adapted into TV shows and movies. So it can be a great topic to start your podcast, where you can discuss the process of turning popular books into films and television shows, with conversations with authors, screenwriters, directors, and producers.

35. Interview-based

Make an interview-based podcast in which you speak with experts, social media influencers, or experts in the field of your choice. You can also interview friends or family members who have exciting stories.

36. Fictional storytelling

Podcasts can be used as a creative platform for storytelling. To create a podcast on fictional storytelling, consider making a fictional story or series that will keep your listeners hooked from episode to episode. This is a great way to engage listeners and show creative writing skills.

37. Advice and tips

If you have expertise in any field, start a podcast where you provide advice and tips to your listeners. This could be anything from business advice to fitness or relationship advice.

38. How-to Podcast

A how-to podcast is an excellent way of teaching your listeners about any topic you like. In this type of podcast, you can focus the entire podcast and teach your listeners how to do something from start to finish with simple and easy steps.

39. Roundtable discussion

Another way to create a creative podcast is to do a roundtable discussion. You can invite your friends and discuss a particular topic or issue with different perspectives to start an engaging conversation.

40. Review-based

The review-based podcast is another option to establish a podcast dedicated to the book, movie, TV show, or product reviews. This can be an excellent chance to share your thoughts and recommendations with your audience while building a community around your hobbies.

41. Preparation

A concept of creating a podcast to that focuses on preparation for different tasks, events, and life situations. Where you can feature interviews with experts in different areas such as productivity, management, organization and do conversations with people who have successfully navigate theory life challenges by preparing for things.

42. Movie and TV review

If you always watch new films, create a podcast to review them, give them ratings, and tell listeners whether they should watch them. Moreover, after each show episode, you can also provide a summary and reviews, expressing your thoughts and predicting what may happen next.

43. All things cinema

A podcast related to all things cinema could explore topics related to the film industry; you can start a podcast and delve into the art and craft of filmmaking, discussing topics such as cinematography, sound design, and editing.

44. Travel tips and recommendations

Travel is a popular topic for podcasts because so many people enjoy it. You can start your podcast by giving fantastic travel advice and recommendations, discussing travel gear, and more.

45. Personal Finance

If you are an expert in managing finance efficiently, use your financial management skills to create a podcast and reach the audience looking to improve their finances. In addition, you can provide general financial advice and tips to the listeners.

46. Nutrition or specific diets

If you work in nutrition, you can turn your specialization into a podcast. You can start your podcast based on any topic and give tips and tricks to live a healthy life.

47. The Outdoors Podcast

The Outdoors is a popular podcast with many opportunities for a unique angle. For example, you can explore the outdoors and survival, discussing camping, hiking, and wilderness survival. This could include interviews with outdoor enthusiasts and experts, discussions on gear and equipment, and stories about adventures in the great outdoors.

48. Interview with travelers

Start a travel podcast where you can share your traveling experience with listeners. You can also interview random people you meet while traveling and ask them about that travel experience, where they are from, and the cities they have explored. Ask them about the recommendation for places to visit.

49. Social media

Social media has become a massive platform with a lot of content to discuss, so starting a podcast on social media is a great idea to explore the impact of social media on our lives and culture. You can also interview industry experts such as psychologists, journalists, and social media influencers and discuss the implications of social media use.

50. Documentary

If you are into documentaries, then it can be a great idea to start podcasts in documentaries. You can discuss different documentaries, invite experienced experts who can share their stories of exploring abandoned buildings and other urban spaces, and discuss the ethics and risks involved in this activity.

51. Book recommendations

A podcast related to book reading is an excellent platform for literature enthusiasts. In podcasts, you can recommend books to your listeners and tell them why they should read them. You can also cover various genres, from classics to contemporary works, fiction to nonfiction.

52. Music podcast ideas

Music is listened to everywhere, and everyone has different tastes and has an impact on us. So, it can be a potential idea to start a music podcast to explore the evolution and impact of a specific genre of music on us. Also, delve into different genres, their origin, key artists, and their contributions.

Music And Ideas

53. Nerdy things

Creating podcasts on nerdy things can have topics related to science, gaming, technology, comics, and more, where you can discuss the latest technologies, debates about the best video games, reviews of popular sci-fi and fantasy books and movies, and interviews with experts in various nerdy fields.

54. Guided meditations

Start a guided meditation podcast which can be a great way to help listeners to reduce their stress and relax their minds by offering them a series of audio recordings. In each episode, you can feature a different meditation session that focuses on a specific theme.

55. Podcast for kids

Nowadays, podcasts for kids have great demand, so if you are good with kids and can engage them with you, then start a podcast and approach an educational way to entertain young listeners with storytelling, music, and interactive activities that can catch their attention.

56. Medical Advice

If you are into the field of medicine, then utilizing a podcast on medical advice could provide listeners with valuable information on topics relevant to health.

Feel Better, Live More with Dr Rangan Chatterjee

57. Daily business tip

Everyone wants to have successful businesses, and if you are into business, start a podcast and share one daily business for listeners so they can apply their businesses. To start this podcast, you must thoroughly research, prepare well-structured episodes, and present your ideas.

The Daily Tip

58. Celebrity interviews

Celebrities’ lives are always a hot topic, and starting a podcast on celebrity interviews will attract new listeners to your podcast and generate buzz. However, it is essential to conduct these interviews respectfully while making podcasts.

59. Teach people random skills

Another way to start a creative podcast is to teach people random skills, which can be a fun and engaging concept to create a compelling show. Therefore, it is imperative to identify attractive, helpful, and easy-to-learn skills and teach them in your podcast.

60. Parenting Podcast

Starting a parenting podcast can be helpful for parents seeking advice, support, and parenting techniques. You can focus on the subjects and issues such as discipline, education, and health, essential for creating a successful parenting podcast.

61. Daily stock market updates

Investors always want to stay updated on the latest market trends and developments, and a podcast on daily stock market updates can be a great source of information. Podcasts with a concise and easy-to-understand framework that covers the most important news and events of the day will help investors to understand the trends.

62. Crafting

If you are interested in knitting, sewing, Painting, or Almay other crafts, podcasts on this can be a great resource to utilize your hobby and enthusiasm for it. Create a practical podcast on crafting using a clear and concise format where you can focus on topics related to crafting, such as techniques, tools, and materials.

63. Fitness

Fitness is critical to our overall health because it covers our physical, mental, and emotional health. Starting a podcast on wellness can provide valuable insights and recommendations to listeners, and you can also cover the topics like exercise routines, nutrition, stress management, and sleeping habits.

64. Building healthy Habits

Developing healthy habits is essential for personal development and reaching our life goals. Habit-building podcasts are creative podcast ideas that can offer helpful knowledge and practical advice on establishing and maintaining beneficial habits.

65. Gameshow

Podcasts based on game shows are a fun and exciting way to engage listeners and test their expertise and abilities. You can feature a variety of trivia, quizzes, and game-style tasks, with guests or competitors. You can create a dynamic and entertaining listening experience with the Game Show podcast.

Podcast Game Show

66. Break down a complicated topic in 5 minutes or less

If you can tackle the complicated topics and situations in your life, take inspiration from them and start a podcast to break down a complex issue in 5 minutes or less. Where you can cover complicated topics quickly, provide listeners with a quick and easy approach to clarify fundamental concepts, provide examples, and provide context.

67. Q&A

Q&A has become a popular and engaging podcast format because it allows hosts to engage with their audience and answer their questions on different topics. So if you want to start a podcast with maximum engagement, then Q&A is the best format. Where you can build relationships with listeners, generate new content ideas, and provide the host’s expertise or perspective.

68. Adults Watching children's movies

Adults watching children’s movies are a unique podcast concept that will take adults down memory lane of their childhood. You can create this type of podcast and discuss the themes, characters, and messages in children’s movies from an adult point of view.

69. Relationship Exploration

Relationship exploration is a frequently a common topic to discuss on podcasts. You can consider this topic and start your podcast and help people navigate their complicated connections, whether it is love relationships, family issues, or friendships. Invite industry expert interviews and random people and make conversations about complex relationships to give listeners different perspectives.

70. ASMR

The trend of ASMR has evolved in the past few years with the satisfying sounds it attracts. A podcast on ASMR Is a creative idea where you can use soothing sounds and whispers to create a relaxing and calming experience for listeners. These podcasts can help listeners manage stress, anxiety, and insomnia, providing listeners with a sense of comfort and relaxation.

71. DIY & Creative podcast ideas

Unleash your creativity skills and start a podcast on it. Starting a podcast on DIY and creative podcasts is a great way to inspire listeners to get creative, try new things, and cover topics from crafting and woodworking to cooking and home improvement.

72. Inspirational podcast

There is a trend going on for Inspirational podcasts, and considering starting an inspirational podcast is an effective way to motivate and encourage listeners. You can interview inspiring people and talk about personal growth and development and stories and their life challenges.

Motivational and Inspirational

73. Face your fear

It is essential to face your fears because it helps your personal growth and development. And if you are ready to meet your concerns, and then consider starting a podcast where you can explore different strategies and techniques to help listeners overcome their fears and move forward in their lives.

Face Your Fears

74. Pets

Pets bring us happiness, companionship, and a feeling of purpose, and starting a podcast on pets and discussing the connection between humans and their pets. You can invite people on podcasts and ask them to share inspiring stories about rescue animals, provide tips and guidance for caring for them, and investigate the latest trends in pet care and goods.

75. Psychology

Psychology is the study of mental process and human behavior. If you are into psychology, than deep dive into world psychology by starting a podcast and exploring the latest research on topics such as relationships, happiness, mental health and addiction.

76. Lifehacks

Life can be difficult and stressful but we can use many easy tips and techniques to make everyday tasks more accessible and efficient. Starting a podcast on life hacks is a great way to help people by discussing different life hacks, from time management and organization tactics to DIY projects and innovative solutions to everyday difficulties.

77. Prank podcast

Starting a Prank podcast is a unique idea of having fun and bringing humor into the lives of their listeners. In this podcast, you can tell jokes about absurd pranks gone wrong and right and interview pranksters and comedians to learn their finest pranking tips and tactics.

78. Take your seat at the kid's table

Nowadays kids have not heard their opinions so starting a podcast where you can invite kids and ask them about topics and do discussion. This will promote leadership in kids and give them a chance to express their thoughts on different topics.

79. Investigation

Do you know that curiosity killed the cat? If you are curious, start an investigative podcast to uncover the truth and highlight important issues. In this podcast, you can investigate various topics like corruption, true crime, social justice and environmental issues.

80. Random Facts

Sometimes all people are looking for random facts and information. Consider starting a podcast where you can share random facts with listeners and explore topics of history and science, pop culture, and current events.

81. Internet Culture

The internet culture is crazy, and everyone is looking for something new to post, especially the meme that goes around. If you are a meme lover and spend your time online making memes, this is a great topic to start your podcast, where you can talk about how the Internet has changed society and whether this is good or bad. Also, you could speak about Web3 while adding humor into your podcast with funny clips or memes.

82. Surviving in the wild

Always looking for a new adventure while surviving? Then start a podcast on staying in the wild to help other listeners with the required skill, knowledge, and preparation to stay in the wild and encourage them to have a strong will to survive. You can also share tips and techniques for finding shelter, food, and water in the most challenging places.

83. Finding Love

The trend of finding love is a popular topic for many podcasts, and there are many things you can talk about if you start your podcast. Starting a podcast on finding love is a way to explore the complex relationship of the modern world or you can ask people to share stories of romantic affairs.

84. The freelance life

Freelancing lifestyle  is good and also challenging ; if you are a freelancer and know about the lifestyle, start a podcast on freelance life, and tell listeners about the ins and outs of freelancing by covering topics like setting rates, finding clients, managing finances, and maintaining work-life balance.

85. Funny fails event

Make people laugh by starting a podcast on funny fail events where you can discuss the fail event on the dance floor and mishaps while doing cooking or anything that is a funny fail event to explore the most comic fails people experience. You can also invite guests to your podcast and ask them to share things that did not quite go as planned and turned into a funny event.

86. First Aid

If you have any experience in emergency care, you can help people with this knowledge. For example, you can start a podcast on first aid and discuss the possibilities of what is the first thing you should do if there is a fire? How should an injury be treated when ambulances arrive? You can also record an interview piece with emergency service personnel to learn how to avoid minor accidents at home.

87. Weather Podcast

Are you a geek for meteorology and always like to stay updated on weather conditions? Then turn this into a weather podcast. Forecasting the weather podcast can seem dull or ordinary; however, you add an extra element by relating a specific meteorological situation to a cultural idea and providing scientific information about the current weather.

88. Alternative housing ideas

Nowadays people are looking for cheaper, more eco-friendly, and more distinctive living arrangements to live in. Hence starting a podcast on alternative housing ideas has become a great idea where you can talk about options like tiny homes, yurts, and shipping container homes,

89. Biographies

Biographies are an excellent topic for a podcast to make for people who love to know about history, culture and politics. You can host a podcast to explore the lives of famous people from history, culture, or politics and look into their personal and professional experiences that shaped their life.

90. Challenge yourself

If you love challenging yourself, starting a podcast on challenging yourself is a great idea. Where you can challenge yourself to do tasks in front of your audience, inspiring listeners to step out of their comfort zones and take challenges for their personal development.

91. Children's stories

Children’s Stories is a fun and creative podcast that entertains and educates young listeners. Where you can tell old stories, original stories, or book adaptations and bring stories to life with a compelling narrative, sound effects, and music.

92. The Blockchain

Blockchain is a perfect topic for podcasts where you can explore this groundbreaking technology in detail. In podcasts on Blockchain, you can discuss the principles of Blockchain by inviting industry experts who can dig into the topics of the role of cryptography, smart contracts, and consensus methods.

93. Working from home

After the covid-19, there has been a considerable shift in working from home, and if you are working from home, then starting a podcast on working from home is a great way to provide listeners with the work remotely. You can also cover productivity, communication, work-life balance, and technology topics.

94. Product reviews

If you are into trying new products or are an influence, consider starting a podcast on product reviews where you can evaluate and share your opinions on different products or services. Electronics and gadgets to food and beauty products.

95. Digital Marketing

Digital marketing has become a backbone of Industry in recent years. Podcasts on digital marketing are a great way to share strategies and techniques for promoting products or services online. In addition, you can invite experts that can teach listeners how to reach and engage target audiences marketing strategies.

96. Solve the riddle

Riddles are a great way to engage people and have their attention, and it can be a creative idea to start a riddle podcast where you can challenge listeners to solve riddles, puzzles, and brain teasers.

97. Conspiracy theories

Conspiracy theories are now a popular topic in today’s culture and are a common discussion in podcasts. However, starting a podcast on conspiracy theories is challenging. First, you need to begin investigating conspiracy and social elements and examine the impact of these theories on our society. 

98. Debunking myths

If you have knowledge of things and want to correct the debunking myths. In that case, it is an intriguing topic to start your podcast because you can help to update the information and provide accurate knowledge.

99. Teach a language

If you know more than one language and want to utilize it as a skill, start a podcast to teach a language to your listeners. However, introducing a language is not easy and can be challenging. So to start this podcast, you need to have an effective way of teaching, which involves sharing knowledge, vocals and grammar but it is also important to help students in developing their reading, listening, speaking, and writing skills.

100. Short stories

If you have a talent for narrating stories to others, then starting short stories podcasts will be a perfect option for an engaging way to introduce listeners to various authors and genres. You can also incorporate discussions on how to write short stories and trends or themes emerging in contemporary short fiction.


There are a lot of unique podcast ideas and concepts that you can explore in 2024 to choose the best topic for a tour podcast.  But here for your ease we have collected 100+ creative podcast topics and ideas in 2024, from fitness to history and politics to health.


Go through this blog and choose a unique and intriguing topic that will attract your listeners by evaluating your interests, expertise, and target audience. You can select the podcast idea based on your interest whether you want to start a podcast for your passion or build authority in your profession.

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