breaking battlegrounds
What Would the SEC Do if Biden Press Enablers Worked for a Publicly Traded Company

What Would the SEC Do if Biden Press Enablers Worked for a Publicly Traded Company?

Just minutes into the June 27 presidential debate, much of the Democratic establishment began an about-face on its support of President Joe Biden. The mutiny was swift and furious, and it hasn’t been quelled.

Why the sudden change? What had been increasingly evident to so many is now obvious to all: Joe Biden is too old, too weak, and too confused to be president.

President Biden’s condition is not new. It has been known to many for a long time, but they covered it up and attacked anyone who dared mention it.

In March, when special counsel Robert Hur reported to Attorney General Merrick Garland that he believed jurors would have reasonable doubt regarding the criminal intent of “a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with poor memory,” the White House and Democrat members of Congress attacked him as a partisan hack.

They should have praised Hur as a benevolent truth-teller. He was doing his job… and being honest, something the White House and their press lackeys are not.

Now the White House is trying to keep from the public the tapes of the Hur interviews, during which Biden rambled and struggled to recall facts and events—even when he didn’t have a cold or hadn’t “just” returned from Europe.

Why the cover-up? Because it would be more public evidence that they knew.

When the Wall Street Journal published an article in early June stating that President Biden was performing poorly in closed-door meetings, the White House and Democrat leaders immediately fired back, blasting the story as partisan. The Democrat-friendly press also excoriated the Journal story as a hit piece.

Again, they knew but chose to cover up the truth. And attack.

The Biden lucidity crisis and press excuses has me wondering: 

  • What would happen if a public company covered up the truth? 

  • If its public relations team lied and spun to hide material facts?

I suspect the Securities and Exchange Commission would open an investigation. It would want to know who knew what and when. It would scour public statements to look for inconsistencies with what was known. It would search for what was known but not disclosed. And it would take action to hold accountable those who covered up the truth. Legal cases would be brought. Fines would be imposed. Prohibitions from serving in certain jobs would result. And perhaps there would be referrals to the Department of Justice for criminal prosecution. There would be accountability and consequences.

I suspect management or the board of directors would also act. There would be an investigation. Members of the company’s public relations team—and those directing them—would likely lose their jobs, as would anyone else involved in the cover-up. There would be accountability and consequences.

America has been misled. Who is investigating the Joe Biden cover-up? Who will be held accountable? What will the consequences be for lying to the public?

Inquiring minds want to know.

Note: the opinions expressed herein are those of Chuck Warren only and not his co-host Sam Stone or Breaking Battlegrounds’ staff.

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