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About Us

Breaking Battlegrounds is the show that interviews opinion leaders from across the world to discuss politics, culture, and policies that are shaping our day-to-day lives.

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Meet Your Hosts

Sam Stone

Sam Stone is a state and local policy expert, with almost two decades of experience in policy development and campaign management. He currently serves as chief policy advisor to U.S. Senate Candidate Kari Lake and is the Managing Partner of Cairn Consulting.

Sam has previously worked as Chief of Staff to Phoenix City Councilman Sal DiCiccio, Executive Director of the Civics Education Initiative at the Joe Foss Institute, and has worked on dozens of campaigns at the state and federal level.

Chuck Warren

Chuck Warren is the Managing Director of September Group, LLC, a public affairs, crisis communication and initiative qualification company. He is also a partner in Monolith Registry, LLC, the USA-based top-level registry for .VOTE and .VOTO domain and Campaign Safe, LLC.

Chuck’s clients have included major law firms, municipalities, and companies as diverse as Overstock.com; Verisign; Blue Cross Blue Shield; Arches Health Plan, Inc.; Delta Airlines; Dorado Systems; Comcast; Gold Cross Ambulance; Ragnar Relay; Eureka Casino Resort; Casablanca Resort Casino; Republican Governors Association; Amazon.com; Republican National Committee; National Republican Senatorial Committee; Freedom Works; Lewis, Young, Robertson & Burningham, Inc.; and Cancer Treatment Centers of America (CTCA).

What People Say

Very informative!
I love the guests and variety of topics discussed. Always interesting questions and insights on this podcast about current issues going on in our nation
Katrina Nickle
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Breaking Battlegrounds" is a great place to explore serious issues seriously. I always enjoy the great questions and listeners surely appreciate the in depth and civil discussion. Would that all talk radio were more like "Breaking Battlegrounds
Hi there, just listened to your episode with Pardis Mahdavi. Thanks for lending your platform to speak about this very important women-led movement in Iran
Very Informative
Great podcast. Very informative about real world, current issues.

Chuck and Sam ask the tough questions that the corporate media won’t. I’m a huge fan of their show
Lary Elder
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Great guests!
So good to hear rising stars like Joseph Chaplik on the show.

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