Chuck Warren

Hamas Echoing the Islamic State

Hamas Echoing the Islamic State: Hamas operatives refer to women hostages as ‘Sabaya’

About 130 hostages remain in Hamas’s custody, about half of them are women. The New York Times recently published a gut-wrenching profile of one of the released hostages, Amit Soussana, who spoke about her experience of enduring torture, including rape. In one video, Hamas operatives are seen with a hostage, and one of the terrorists calls her […]

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Breaking Battlegrounds Random thoughts - Aaron Taylor

Breaking Battlegrounds Random Thoughts: Aaron Taylor-Johnson as James Bond & the importance of Haiti

Supposedly actor Aaron Taylor-Johnson has “reportedly been offered a license to kill and succeed Daniel Craig as the new James Bond.”   I have not followed his career. As various trips around the sun have determined, I have become like my father. I sit on the porch and yell at kids to get off my lawn and complain about

Breaking Battlegrounds Random Thoughts: Aaron Taylor-Johnson as James Bond & the importance of Haiti Read More »

Buddy Carter Exposes Biden's Blame Game

Congressman Buddy Carter Exposes Biden’s Blame Game

Congressman Buddy Carter of Georgia’s 1st Congressional District, and co-sponsor of the Laken Riley Act, appeared on Breaking Battlegrounds this week to challenge President Biden’s claim that Republicans had the chance to pass a border bill, which in reality did not address border issues at all. Listen to Congressman Carter here. Listen to Congressman Buddy Carter’s

Congressman Buddy Carter Exposes Biden’s Blame Game Read More »

Sadly, the 2024 Election is going to Spotlight Miserable Partisans Around Us

Sadly, the 2024 Election is going to Spotlight Miserable Partisans Around Us

In Tuesday’s California “Jungle Primary,” Russia Hoax star and never-in-doubt, Democrat Adam Schiff, and former Major League Baseball star and Republican, Steve Garvey advanced to November’s general election. Congressman Schiff is the favorite. Believing otherwise means you don’t follow politics or understand California, but I am a believer in “never say never” when it comes to politics. Let’s be

Sadly, the 2024 Election is going to Spotlight Miserable Partisans Around Us Read More »

If Neither Biden or Trump Reach 270 Electoral Votes, how do we Determine Who Wins

If Neither Biden or Trump Reach 270 Electoral Votes, how do we Determine Who Wins?

Every four years, on January 6, the Electoral College casts its votes in a largely symbolic act. Whoever gets 270 votes out of the 538 total wins. There has never been an electoral college tie, however, as the margins of victory get narrower race after race, this possibility is becoming likelier. The count to 538

If Neither Biden or Trump Reach 270 Electoral Votes, how do we Determine Who Wins? Read More »

Paying for Russian - Ukraine War Aid Should be Pay Now, Not Later

Paying for Russian/Ukraine War Aid Should be Pay Now, Not Later

There are both good-faith and bad-faith arguments against providing more military aid for Ukraine. You can’t win an argument against bad-faith people, but people of sincere convictions must be taken seriously and responded to with respect. One honest contrary argument is the effect our Ukraine aid has on the U.S. deficit and our national debt. Taken

Paying for Russian/Ukraine War Aid Should be Pay Now, Not Later Read More »


Objective and Concerned Takes?

The Washington Post came out with an article this weekend entitled ‘How a laid-back beach town became California’s MAGA stronghold.’ Frankly, it is an interesting article, newsworthy.  Read it. While Huntington Beach’s majority Republican council has successfully balanced the budget and renegotiated a new police contract, the article focuses on what is perceived as their shift towards

Objective and Concerned Takes? Read More »

Biden's State of the Union; a Reset for Voters?

Biden’s State of the Union; a Reset for Voters? Only in Fairy Tales, Twitter Bots and MSNBC

Axios reported this past week about the “Biden Reset.” In it, they wrote that “Biden officials see next month’s State of the Union address as a big, public reset moment — a chance to overcome or at least neutralize concerns about President Biden’s age and vitality.” Furthermore, “Many top Democrats are convinced that if the election were today, Biden would

Biden’s State of the Union; a Reset for Voters? Only in Fairy Tales, Twitter Bots and MSNBC Read More »

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