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Best Podcasts for Road Trips

Best Podcasts for Road Trips – Make Your Trip Memorable

The selection of the right podcasts for road trips is a complex one. One may consider this program as the supreme road trip podcast.

For some people in therapy, road trips are an adventure. Highway travel, a love of excellent songs, exploring new places, and having a fantastic chance to come to know oneself. However, long journeys need more time spent behind the wheel, and what could be more helpful in enjoying the pleasant journey moments than some great podcasts?

Some visitors even have such a terrific sense of humor that it is difficult to contain your laughter as you listen to them. Since some persons do not feel comfortable or are too alone to expound on their situations, such as what is occurring inner of them or how they perceive various things, etc., such road trips podcasts are a form of therapy for listeners who can relate to the guest speaker’s issues or who are seeking explanations for the speaker’s experiences if they are similar to their own.

⁤A great way to spend time during a road trip is by listening to podcasts. ⁤⁤There are thousands of podcasts out there for listeners; however, choosing the right one for your road trip can greatly enhance your experience while traveling. ⁤⁤Therefore, select a podcast that aligns with your likes and dislikes which can make the journey more entertaining or educational — or both! ⁤

28 Best Podcasts for Road Trips in 2024

best podcasts for road trips
⁤The range of topics covered by modern day podcasts is mind boggling – anything from motivational speeches through current political analysis to reviews of your favourite reality TV show. ⁤⁤And if you’re looking for some direction, whether creative insights into launching a business or strategies on how to overcome certain challenges or simply tips about self-care then just chuck them on your playlist under whatever theme takes your fancy for the drive ahead.

1. Desert Island Discs:

Desert Island Discs is an ageless BBC program that started airing in 1942. Guests tell their life stories and choose eight songs that mean a lot to them, as well as one luxury item they would take to a deserted island with them. The show mixes great storytelling with a varied music library, featuring fascinating people such as business tycoons and stars from various fields. Hosted by Kirsty Young, Desert Island Discs can be streamed on Apple Podcasts or Spotify among other platforms; it guarantees fun-filled hours during your drive while giving you something valuable to think about at the same time.

Desert Island Discs

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2. Serial

It is considered one of the best podcast for road trips, and people love to listen. Serial is credited with bringing podcasting into the mainstream. Each season focuses on a different true crime story, exploring it in-depth over several episodes. Whether a murder mystery or an unsolved case, Serial keeps you hooked with its investigative approach, compelling storytelling, and gripping narratives.


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3. A Very Fatal Murder:

The Onion Public Radio sends correspondent David Pascall to investigate the mysterious death of a teenage girl named Hayley Price in Rock Creek, Nebraska. But what he finds is a lot more than anyone bargained for. If you’re looking for a true crime podcast parody that’s also legitimately scary, and very very funny, “A Very Fatal Murder” is the show for you. It satirizes all the tropes of “Serial”-style murder mysteries while actually delivering a pretty decent one itself. And through its absurdity and wit, it actually ends up being an incredibly insightful look at the genre as well.

A Very Fatal Murder

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4. Radiolab

This is also one of the best podcast for road trips. If you’re into scientific curiosity and exploration, then Radiolab will blow your mind away. The team behind this show tackles all sorts of subjects ranging from human behaviour down here on Earth up until those mysteries found within outer space itself. It brings together experts’ interviews; creative soundscapes combined with some very compelling storytelling techniques which help make complex topics become easier-to-understand whilst still being entertaining enough not to bore listeners who might not have much knowledge in science-related matters either.


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5. The No Sleep Podcast:

If you’re driving late at night and want to keep yourself awake with some good old-fashioned horror stories, there’s no better way than “The NoSleep Podcast”. It’s been running for nine years now and over those years has evolved from just reading stories from Reddit’s /r/nosleep into full fledged audio dramas complete with original music scores and amazing voice actors. With tales of ghosts, monsters, stalkers and everything in between this podcast will keep your eyes pinned open (mostly out of fear) until the sun comes up. So if you ever find yourself on a long dark road in the middle of nowhere let “The NoSleep Podcast” keep you company and remind you that things could always be worse…much much worse.
The NoSleep Podcast

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6. Science vs

Want to separate fact from fiction in popular science and health trends? Science vs. does just that, examining the scientific evidence behind controversial topics and myths. Wendy Zukerman takes a sceptical and entertaining approach to debunking or confirming popular beliefs. This can also be the best, worth listening to, and best podcast for road trips.

science vs

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7. My Brother, My brother and Me:

For a delightful cure to driving boredom, tune into “MBMBaM,” the ultimate advice show hosted by the McElroy brothers: Justin, Travis, and Griffin. They sift through Yahoo Answers and listener-submitted questions, serving up hilariously useless advice with a side of rambling digressions, parody songs, and pop-culture references. With their absurd antics and infectious laughter, “MBMBaM” is guaranteed to bring childlike euphoria to your road trip.

My Brother, My brother and Me

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8. The Dollop

Imagine your history teacher was also a stand-up comedian. That’s the Dollop. Dave and Gareth pick crazy, real-life stories from history and make them hilarious. You’ll learn and laugh at the same time. This is also a good choice as a funny podcast for road trips.

The Dollop

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9. Things I Got Wrong At Trivia:

Things I Got Wrong at Trivia, which bills itself as “a pub quiz with friends,” is an innovative yet slick trivia-based quiz podcast in which a group of question-setting friends strives to test one other and, by implication, us, with a series of challenging but never dull questions. Only a few are produced each month, but they are always of the highest caliber and include a variety of intelligent cultural recommendations in addition to the quizzing fun. So if you are traveling in a group, everyone will be entertained with this quiz game show pod. And don’t worry. The questions aren’t based on specific dates or odd facts.

Things I Got Wrong at Trivia

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10. My Dad Wrote A Porno

If we want to talk about the list of most funny podcast for road trips, we cannot ignore “My Dad Wrote a Porno”.Have you ever wondered what would happen if your dad wrote an “erotic” novel? Jamie found out when he discovered his father’s steamy writing. He and his friends read it out loud and can’t stop giggling. You’ll be in stitches, too.

My Dad Wrote A Porno

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11. Undiscovered:

This wonderful podcast is brought to us by Science Friday, the famous science and educational television producer. Unexplored narrates the stories behind big scientific mistakes, discoveries, and breakthroughs as well as the people involved with them. For instance, learn about why each 19th-century scientist accepted the (false) ether hypothesis; how it led to real progress; if six degrees of separation is true or not; and that whales do sing. It’s one of my top podcasts for road trips because it never fails to be a blast.


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12. The TryPod

If you want something funny during your commute, The TryPod is perfect! Remember the Try Guys from YouTube? They have a podcast where they talk about life, weird things happening around them, and ridiculous adventures they’ve been on together. It’s like hanging out with your silly friends.

The TryPod

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13. Myths and Legends:

In 2015 Jason Weiser founded “Myths & Legends,” which Carissa later became a part of too — their episodes come out every two weeks and bring to life stories from cultures and continents all over the world (both well-known and less familiar), ending each installment with a lighthearted look at that week’s “creature of the week.” While this isn’t appropriate for young children, it is perfect for anyone who wants mythic storytelling for their car ride home!
Myths & Legends

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14. Stuff You Should Know

This show is hosted by, Hosted by Josh and Chuck. If you’re a curious soul who loves learning new things, “Stuff You Should Know” is an ideal podcast for your road trip. Josh and Chuck dive into a wide range of fascinating topics, explaining everything from how black holes work to the history of pizza. It’s like having a mini-education on wheels. It is at the top of the list in the category of good podcasts for road trip.

Stuff You Should Know

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15. Wild Thing:

“Wild Thing,” a journalist named Laura Krantz hosts this podcast which is one of the best in its genre and deals with science and society. The first season of “Wild Thing” investigates the myth of Bigfoot from different points of view such as those who claim to have seen it or believers and skeptics alike while interviewing scientists who study cryptozoology among other topics related to this mysterious creature. Space Invaders is the second season for Wild Things where they talk about peoples’ interest in aliens; why do we love them so much? What are they like?. This fascinating show mixes comedy, pathos, and thrills together in order to reveal more about ourselves through our beliefs.

Wild Thing focused

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16. The Joe Rogan Experience

The Joe Rogan Experience is one of the good podcast for road trip. This show is hosted by  Hosted by Joe Rogan. Known for its long-form conversations with diverse guests, “The Joe Rogan Experience” covers everything from science and technology to comedy and philosophy. With episodes often lasting several hours, This podcast perfect for those road trips where you want to dive deep into a conversation.

The Joe Rogan Experience Experience

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17. This Is Love

This is Love, another best podcast from Radiotopia is presented by Phoebe Judge, whose very dulcet tones you may remember from Criminal, one of her earlier podcasts. This Is Love is a beautiful accompaniment to every stage of life. From a 72-year-old British man who publishes images of his vegetable garden online to receive love from all over the world to meet a mate later in life, This Is Love tells stories of various forms of love.

This Is Love

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18. The Hidden Brain

The Hidden Brain is a good podcast for road trip that delves into the intricacies of human behaviour and the hidden patterns that shape our lives with “The Hidden Brain.” Shankar Vedantam explores topics like decision-making, biases, and the mysteries of the mind, making it a thought-provoking companion for your journey. This show is hosted by Hosted by Shankar Vedantam.

Hidden Brain

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19. The Dream:

This fascinating podcast for road trips was produced by This American Life alumna Jane Marie and her partner Dann Gallucci and explored the relationship between the American Dream, popular culture, and economic potential. MLMs, or multilevel advertising agencies (such as Avon or LuLaRoe) that employ regular individuals as salespersons were the focus of The Dream’s first season. The focus of the second season is well-being, that nebulous idea of good health that yet includes jewels that cost $60. When another show would be cynical and harsh, Marie is typically compassionate, focusing on the way people are persuaded into these enterprises than criticizing them for it. Surprisingly tender music is playing.

The Dream's

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20. Song Exploder

If you are into music then “Song Exploder” is perfect for you because it lets you see behind the scenes of your favorite songs. Artists go into detail about their songs such as what inspired them or how certain lyrics came together etcetera – everything that went into making that track come alive! Hosted by Hrishikesh Hirway who is not only an amazing person but also really good at hosting shows like this one, too bad there aren’t more podcasts out there like Song Exploder because I could listen all day long during my road trips
Podcasts for road trips

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21. Las Culturistas

⁤Las Culturistas, hosted by Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang of SNL fame, is a pop culture extravaganza boasting more than 300 episodes. ⁤⁤They leave no stone unturned, discussing movies, TV shows, music, fashion and more with guests from across the entertainment industry. ⁤⁤The podcast also loves a passionate debate or a funny segment like “I Don’t Think So Honey” — but it’s all love for diversity and LGBTQ+ perspectives. Listen if you like fun.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

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22. Wow, in the World

⁤One of the best podcasts to listen to on a family road trip, this show asks: “Have you ever wondered how your favorite thing works?” Co-hosts Mindy Thomas and Guy Raz take kids (and curious parents) on science-, technology- and nature-based adventures that are educational — but not so educational that it feels like learning. ⁤⁤

Wow in the World

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23. Amateur Traveler Travel Podcast

⁤Currently in its 17th year and boasting over 700 episodes, this podcast is hosted by Chris Christensen who has won awards for his travel blogging. Each episode features an interview with a fellow traveler about their recent trip — be it to Antarctica or Appalachian Trail. Interviewing local experts and industry insiders is how hosts of the show go about gathering information, such that they are able to provide their listeners with unique insights on how to improve their travel experiences thus making each trip more enjoyable and stress-free. ⁤
Amateur Traveler Travel Podcast

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24. Story Pirates

⁤Story Pirates takes children’s imaginative tales and turns them into funny skits or songs performed by Various Actors and Comedians who also serve as hosts. ⁤⁤It’s a great way for kids to be creative while having fun and it’s entertaining for the whole family too. ⁤⁤According to best podcasts lists, Story Pirates ranks among top podcasts suitable for family road trips. ⁤

Story Pirates

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25. Armchair Explorer

⁤Armchair Explorer is an Award Winning Travel Writer Aaron Miller’s podcast where he shares stories from his travels around the world using captivating storytelling and cinematic effects so that people can imagine being there themselves without leaving home. ⁤Each episode features adventurers recounting their most exciting adventures which will inspire those who have travelled far & wide as well as those who prefer armchair travelling only; thanks to Miller’s interviewing technique every tale becomes interesting irrespective of ones level of thrill seeking experience.

Armchair Explorer

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26. But Why: A Podcast for Curious Kids

The title “But Why” explains it all. It’s a show that answers questions from children. The questions are asked by the young listeners themselves who are curious about things like why the sky is blue or why there are time zones. Jane Lindholm, the host of this podcast, gives clear and interesting explanations to these queries. This is one of those shows you can listen to during long car rides with your family.

But Why A Podcast for Curious Kids

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27. No Shitting In The Toilet

No Shitting In The Toilet may sound strange but it’s hosted by Peter Moore who is a best-selling travel author and covers various different oddball topics in each episode. Each speaker in every episode has a different style and covers a wide range of themes, from popular politics and culture to personal stories and absurd hypothetical scenarios. It has gained popularity for its witty conversations, offensive comedy and willingness to talk about taboo subjects openly. No Shitting In The Toilet is an essential listen if you want something funny with some crude jokes thrown in – don’t be put off by the name! Although some vulgarities might be heard here or there among listeners’ ears; generally speaking though it’s not too bad as far as shows go .
No Shitting In The Toilet

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28. JUMP With Traveling Jackie

If you have a sense of adventure, it is a must that you listen to JUMP with Travelling Jackie. It was formerly known as The Budget-Minded Traveler. In her podcast, she shares off-the-beaten-path destinations and personal experiences from around the world. She does not only guide people through their travels but also creates communities among them so they can share their own adventures too. With other travellers or during interactive sessions called “Ask Jackie,” she talks about valuable tips which may inspire someone to try something new.

JUMP with Traveling Jackie

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Benefits of Listening to these Road Trip Podcasts

There are several advantages of listening to podcasts when having a road trip or planning one, this can give you an idea on what are the things you needed for your travel. Here are some benefits why one should listen to travel podcasts.

Inspiration for new destinations

Road trip podcasts foster exploration by bringing in conversations with experts who talk about different parts of the world based on their knowledge and experience while living there or visiting those places frequently as well as locals who share insights into these areas that may not be commonly known about worldwide. 

Realistic Travel Tips

Podcasts aren’t only there to tell you where to go when it comes travelling or how best explore this planet. It also serves as a great information source for listeners by providing handy hints and tips for travelers. These could prove invaluable particularly if visiting someplace new so they will definitely improve overall traveling experience.


To be not boring, road trip podcasts can be a good source of entertainment. During a long flight or drive, you could listen to stories that are interesting and full of adventure told by other people. Podcasts make long car journeys more enjoyable too. Travelling for hours on end becomes tedious pretty quickly though. So, while this may keep your brain active and pass the time, it’s also fascinating. True crime shows, comedy programs or series about any subject under the sun will have you hooked for days on end.


Everybody loves listening to podcasts on planes because it helps them relax their minds relieving work related stress but also realize that these are not just ordinary talks among regular folks . They enlighten us so much so that we can understand better what is happening around the world .

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